Please UnBan Me
Name in Game:was liz when got banned ][ now its «Sora»
Steam-ID:STEAM_0:0:18981916 36:43
Who banned you:i dont know
When:more than 3months ago
Why banned
renuked mistake 
Permamently Banned!
Other/Reason to unban:
when i found this server i tryed it it wAs The bestest server i ever seen Then it was my favorites in 1min after i tryed it. i did not know atixhelicopter map then when i prenuked i was exploring map i sawed that escape place then i tryen go there and i get there. then i accidentally prenuked then i was SAd 4day!!!!!!!
then i found ibis gungame i was very happy
i asked them how can ask to unban they told to go http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums and then i came here and tryed to Unban
<hope i got unban

Last edited by Liz<3; 09-14-2008 at 04:21 AM.
Why are you posting now after 3 months?
prenuking in atix requires you to be a jumper.... i find it hard to believe you jumped into the escape area by accident.
well if its true liz, you should have been unbanned by now. someone sure she was banned for prenuking and why the ban is so long?
Its becoming a common thing here lately, players are posting threads about being banned months ago. Maybe the reason he got banned, is not the same reason he is stating here.
Yeah, i noticed that too dual, maybe ibis should make a policy about coming here for an unbanning within a month of their incident lol.
well i just found this site thats why im more than 3months late
I think the more important issue here is the fact that so many pre nukes are perm bans.
Unless someone can prove otherwise, we cannot deny what information was given to us thus being a unban should be issued.
---my opinion
from when ive played, perm ban for prenukers happen when there are several prenukers constantly doing it, thus after much warning, kicking and banning, admins will say next one gets a perm and.... some idiot decided to prenuke
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