Hey Project, he's not banned anymore...I wonder how that happened...? (

Yeah so anyways a couple days ago he came in claiming to be Phalanx's friend (If true, tsk tsk). I didnt recognize him but that's of no importance. Within a couple of minutes he went on about tell "black" jokes that were EXTREMELY offensive (All black folks like friend chicken, and the worst of all he insinuated that its funny to see black people hanging from trees...yeah...). He wasnt even banned at that point (Project and Hitman were on to witness all of it) and an idea was schemed to get him to pwn himself by going on a tyrant about minorities. It basically lead him to calling Arabs dirty monkeys, black people niggers, the whole sha-bang. Anyways he was promptly perma banned. But we knew that if he really was a RL friend of Phal, the potential for him to "mysteriously" be unbanned was definitely a possibility, so I've been waiting for it to happen, and sure enough it has...
His steamID is STEAM_0:1:7583187
Oh and Phal, if he really IS your RL friend you can go suck a dick too you worthless piece of shit cuntbag. Oh and keep your prejudiced/racist comments to yourself from now on (Which I thought you were joking about. But now I know you really are a piece of shit racist)