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Thread: [ADD] de_train

  1. Default [ADD] de_train

    I would like to see de_train be part of the maps for wcs. The same maps being played over and over again get boring. de_train gives a new wcs gaming experience and will test everyone's skills. It has been one of my favorite maps since the first time it came out.

    Here is where to get it.I believe :P;36264

  2. Default

    if this the original classic train map, it's a decent map and would work on the server.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  3. Default

    I think De_Train is already on the server, I definitely remember playing it on WCS. If it isn't for some weird reason it should be re-added. It's a really fun map that doesn't cater well to flying races.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  4. Default

    it got removed when we switched over 2 SM I believe.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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