Hiya kids, just your neighborhood Wings for Marie droppin a line, o yeah and i am gonna change my online tag for wings for marie to just Wings, i think it is more provocative, muhahahahaha .... haha these things are great
Hiya kids, just your neighborhood Wings for Marie droppin a line, o yeah and i am gonna change my online tag for wings for marie to just Wings, i think it is more provocative, muhahahahaha .... haha these things are great
Hey Wings...nice to see you rejoin the forums....
see you in game!!!
Whats up Wings, long time no see. Where ya been ol' chap !?
You had post an app in the old forums havn t you?
Long time no see in the pub???
whats poppin?
yeah, i am just finishing like my last couple of weeks in school so it has been kinda hectic, and yeah i did post an app but i never heard anything about it.