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Thread: Epic computer crash!!!Need help asap

  1. Default Epic computer crash!!!Need help asap

    Hey i recently downloaded a registry repair and like most free programs on the internet it fucked up my os. My laptop wount even boot.("is says please insert windows disk and click repair"). and like with most new computers my os came pre installed so i dont have the disk. does anyone know were i can get a boot disk or a windows repair disk. im afriad my only alternative is to shell out 250 to those homos at best buy to fix something i can do. my OS is windows vista home. thank you.

  2. Default

    i can help you... mind telling me which state you live in.. if you live in virginia i can mail you a windows xp os disc.. if you don't live in virginia i believe i can help you... but it'll require a large amount of your time.. and its not very legal here in the Us of A


    scratch that both options for me to help you is illegal D: .... the other option is i give you the link to download an xp operating system.. which is also illegal D:
    Ibis Steam Contest #2
    Canceled till further notice

    I read people's post purely for amusement I find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^

    Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.

  3. Default :(

    ah i just moved out of va to california. my OS in windows vista home i dont think the xp disk will repair it

  4. Default

    oooo ... umm... i dont know what to say man... one other option is do a full system restore to windows xp.. or vista... but vista takes forever to download D: (btw im hoping you saved all your drivers so if you were to restore your system will be in perfect working order within 2 hours of the restore) if you didn't saved the drivers not much a lost.. theres a proggy to locate all drivers
    Ibis Steam Contest #2
    Canceled till further notice

    I read people's post purely for amusement I find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^

    Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.

  5. Default

    cock balls. well thx anyways ill just accept it and take it to best buy

  6. Default

    well that sucks, first if u have money pull the drive, buy a case for it - like a usb external case for it
    hook it up to your computer so u can back up your files 1st and formost

    a lil usb case is around 20 local in nyc
    on new egg

    thats so u can back ur files up... if that matters to you

    if not. find a friend local who has a vista install and repair..
    i duggest doin what i said pull the drive back it up and then reinstall fresh.

  7. Default

    did u backup the registry files before u used it? i remember most registry editing programs backup before

  8. Default

    I recommend using a live disk of linux (try ubuntu) and try to recover any files just in case they have to reinstall vista.

  9. Default

    i did back up the registry but im even unable to boot the os in safe mode. as for backing up the files i already have a usb hard drive case so ill use that if it comes to it. i dont think is lose any files consitering ill try to repair the os and not reinstall it. well im gonna dial som numbers to see if i can find a windows vista disk.

  10. Default

    You can just take the drive and connect it to another computer and then access all the files an external drive is not needed, I have done this before.

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