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Thread: order in the court

  1. Default order in the court

    Ok, I just finished reading the squirrelly admin abuse thread, and he is right in a way. It happens a lot, on all the ibis servers. With so many admins, if someone does something wrong and someone in game complains, generally the admins don't do anything. They can't see everything, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. If someone is wrongly accused, there is no reason why the initial complainer can't be punished afterwards.

    More so on the zombie server this happens. A lot of cade breaking, and a lot of admins on, but they just say, "Well, I didn't see it, so I can't do anything." Oh but if it happens to them, they get so pissed and are extremely quick to ban. So there is no excuse when saying they are busy with another, because they all punish quickly.

    Part of the problem is, when something happens to a non admin player, and no punishment is dealt out, the admins don't even keep an eye on the offending player. So if admins want respect, then maybe they should start handling things even when it doesn't directly affect them. Regular players don't like being tk'd and have their cades broken any more than they do. So instead of muting players complaining about someone doing something wrong and not being punished for it, PUNISH those players and let them make a thread on the forum. It is a lot easier than handing out punishments to players just because the admins are lazy and don't actually do what they should be doing.

    Admins are supposed to be there for the servers, not just for themselves. Police the servers and let the wrong doers complain on the forum. People will stop being dumbasses faster if they know they will be getting punished from doing something to a regular player.

  2. Default

    You said it yourself; "Admins cannot see everything".

    As far as team attacking goes, if I'm on CT and a team attacker is on T, I can't see that he's team attacking, I can only see when he kills somebody. You DO still have an option to be retroactive, though.

    On that forum, you can report people for being douchenozzles after the fact. All you have to do is follow format and provide proof.

    And there's all the proof you need for the last month.

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    your helmet is being shipped.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Penis シ View Post
    You said it yourself; "Admins cannot see everything".

    As far as team attacking goes, if I'm on CT and a team attacker is on T, I can't see that he's team attacking, I can only see when he kills somebody. You DO still have an option to be retroactive, though.

    On that forum, you can report people for being douchenozzles after the fact. All you have to do is follow format and provide proof.

    And there's all the proof you need for the last month.


    Honestly, if admins were to deal with every single little gripe that goes on in a server while they're playing, they WOULDN'T EVER GET TO PLAY THEMSELVES. And of COURSE they're going to punish those who do things to them, because they witness it first hand. You have to understand that the admins are paying to support the server so that you can play, and in return, they should be able to have a little fun themselves, amirite?

  4. Default

    Admin's methods and ideologies differ. Some will ban at as soon as they can, some choose to go a different route. Some admins are newer, some just don't know or understand the rules, which IS a problem. Also, just because you don't SEE us doing something doesn't mean we AREN'T. As Penis said, there is access to all the demos. Some times we need to make sure of something before we take action. Sometimes we're watching someone else, and can't be watching two people at once. We have to act on limited information, and if we start banning for wrongful claims, we'll have more complaints than we currently do. Yes, we could then punish the complainer, but that would lead to MORE complaints. Admins have to go through enough without having to do double takes on everything they do

    We also have to differentiate between purposeful and accidental. I've killed 4 or more people on the same map in GG(not counting RTV rounds), teammates and I have traded blows for 5 or 6 rounds. I play windowed, so when I click back in, if I do it with left mouse click, I fire a shot, which sometimes hits teammates in spawn. These happens, we have a team attack menu to deal with it. Some rules are also interpreted differently, such as camping rules.

    I can't comment on ZM or Pub, I don't play those often. However, in GG and WCS, admins DO generally punish people without regard to whether they are doing things to Admin or Regular User.

  5. Default

    The camping rule, since you brought it up, cannot be interpreted how ever an admin wants. Maynard has said multiple times, ONLY if the person is holding up the round, otherwise they can camp all they want where ever they want.

    Accidents happen, but when someone complains that their teammate is shooting them on purpose and the admins ignore that complaint instead of doing something as simple as a kick after a verbal warning, and even a warning rarely happen unless they witness it, then why be an admin? I find that when people retaliate, they are the ones that get in trouble, which could have been avoided if an admin stepped in right away.

    Admins pay for their responsibility to the server, hopefully no one is forced to do so, and if admins would rather play than deal with things, you can just donate, you don't actually have to be an admin.

    When something happens and there is no admin on, that is a good time to be making a complaint on the forum about a player. But when ever there is an admin on, they are supposed to be there to handle these things. What is the point then in being an admin, only to tell people to make complaints on the forum all the while it can be dealt with in game. It is also not worth anyone's time to make a complaint on the forum about someone breaking their cade on purpose.

  6. Default

    alright, im actually really glad this subject was brought up. in regards to the zombie mod server, i Pl@Y there a great deal of time and id like to think i know the rules of it very well. admins CANNOT watch every little thing happening in the server and of course they will punish a person who cade breaks in front of them (HOPEFULLY AFTER ISSUING A WARNING FIRST) as for those who make complaints an cry out "xxxx JUST BROKE MY CADE BAN HIS ASS NOW" - the PROPER thing to do would be to issue a warning to the person being accused and if that person ignores the warning and repeats their offence, THEN you punish them. if they claim "WTF IDIOT ADMIN IM NOT DOIN ANYTHING WRONG" then you should ask them why people are complaining about them. if they say "NO IM NOT THEYRE LYING" then the best thing to do in this scenario (in my opinion) is to just spectate the Pl@Yer to see first hand whats really going on and then take it from there to see if any further punishments are needed.

    i know this isnt exactly the most appropriote place to say it, but from what ive seen, majority of the admins on zm are absolute SHIT and either dont know/care what theyre doing, have no knowlege of the rules, and/or are just using their admin and doing things as they please and punishing Pl@Yers when they feel like it, slaying, kicking ppl without any warning. and quite frankly its pissing me off (as well is the regulars im sure) we pay for admin so yeah we have these privileges, BUT THEYRE PRIVILEGES WITH A PURPOSE! if you go and buy admin than BE the admin you are supposed to be. otherwise save us (mainly the clan members) the hastle an just gtfo of ibis please, thankyou, bye bye now
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: google chrome ;z
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: iv only heard bad stuff about it
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: its just my default for opening links
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: i use opera
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: u use a black woman?
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: opera is a search engine you noob
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: o ..... XD

    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: ..
    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: excuse me while i go eat an orange.

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    I don't speak retard... try again some other time.
    aNex <ibis>: Oi, cunt
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: haii
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: um... cock
    aNex <ibis>: HA!
    aNex <ibis>: You have no cum back
    aNex <ibis>: OH SNAP
    aNex <ibis>: I've never heard that before
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: EXACTLY U SAY NOTHING
    aNex <ibis>: You have legitmatley made my day
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    U know I'm always right. and deep down everyone knows it although admitting it is the second thing.

  7. Default

    This Thread Is Clean


    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  8. Default

    Minus the Michelle quote I had a good point in my thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Logically I reserve the right to step in at any time and make a final judgement. Any judgement made by me can only be reversed by me.

  9. Default

    yeah, on what you said before rosie, its just a matter of how admins are handling the problem Pl@Yers that needs a little work. admins are aware of it of course but not all are resolving them properly. so i totally agree with what you said about educating those who are tk'ing, cadebreaking ect. about just not doing those things instead of laying on the punishments right off teh bat. that way theyll be a LOT less likely to rage and continue their offense. as for the people who do those things for trolls and lol's... thats a different story
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: google chrome ;z
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: iv only heard bad stuff about it
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: its just my default for opening links
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: i use opera
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: u use a black woman?
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: opera is a search engine you noob
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: o ..... XD

    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: ..
    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: excuse me while i go eat an orange.

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    I don't speak retard... try again some other time.
    aNex <ibis>: Oi, cunt
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: haii
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: um... cock
    aNex <ibis>: HA!
    aNex <ibis>: You have no cum back
    aNex <ibis>: OH SNAP
    aNex <ibis>: I've never heard that before
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: EXACTLY U SAY NOTHING
    aNex <ibis>: You have legitmatley made my day
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    U know I'm always right. and deep down everyone knows it although admitting it is the second thing.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    This Thread Is Clean

    this is why i feel so unloved maymay. i have an epic moment, but then NOPE! maynard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie View Post
    Minus the Michelle quote I had a good point in my thread.
    i don't remember your point, but yeah.

    @op person, to sum up what i said before the mass cleaning, basically, admins are only human. we can't see everything all the time. the reason we take action when someone breaks our cade, is because we see them do it. however we're not allowed to take action if we don't actually wittness anything. your position is that admins should be restricted from ever actually playing, and only sitting there at the beck and call of asstards like yourself. well i got some news for you: fuck off. there is nothing stopping you from contributing to the servers and getting admin to help us out. if you want to get admin and sit there not playing just punishing people, be my fucking guest.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

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