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Thread: Nav icons

  1. Arrow Nav icons

    So I have been doing more work on the next site and currently my next project is to make the nav icons. I do not want to have any flash in the new website so that it lodes better and works on everyone computer. As a result I got to do away with the old flash nav bar that I spent so much time making and that many of you have enjoyed. Attacked is a screenshot of my current beta page. Ignore most of the colors they are for me so that I can see how my content boxes are working. You will also see a simple icon that I made on the second screen.

    Let me know what your ideas are for nave isocns or post some blanks up if you have some cool designes!
    Attached Images

  2. Default

    looks pretty nice and very this head banner is the one you ll use??? i thought iwas going to be the darker one..dark grey shades???

    Cool brushes!!

    Last edited by The.Beast.13.; 09-23-2008 at 02:27 PM. Reason: cuz swedish berries candy are the shit

  3. Default

    No I liked that one the best especially because I want to make the ak m4 and knife in that arrangement our symbol. Until now ibis has never had a good symbol and I really like the color of that one. Notice how it blends with light colors better. I want to have a light not a dark website. I plan on putting a lot of content on this one and a lighter background is easier on the eye.

    Also I do not want to new website to look like the forums. I want the designs to clash like day and night.

  4. Default

    nice. you know why I prefer the lighter websites over the dark! they blend in easier.

  5. Default

    i think the logo(the 2 crossing rifles) shoudl be less transparent but still blend with the background texture. the knife should have the same transparancy as it does now because its already more vibrant.

  6. Default

    looks pretty damn good zero

    We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm ~ George Orwell

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Step 1: Get Admin
    Step 2:
    Step 3: Get Perma Banned
    Quote Originally Posted by blackmail242 View Post
    ... IBIS in the name right? ibis.a means admin while IBIS means Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
    Quote Originally Posted by SCRIBBLE View Post
    It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived. — General George S. Patton

  7. Default

    I like it, its not the usual dark and gloomy colors.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by -=NYS=- C.O. View Post
    I like it, its not the usual dark and gloomy colors.
    some ones conservative. lol jk

    the style we have now is legit. looks like pro gaming forum. but the new and improved 1 is gonna look like a leet gaming forums...


  9. Default

    not gay but I thought our forums were to remain the same? unless there will ne another kind of forum on the website?

  10. Default

    Only the website is going to change, the colors of the new site are going to be lite and opposed to the dark forums. I want them to be different so that together they will be whole.

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