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Thread: America today

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    The American dream has been dreamt or so they say, I think that America biggest problem is there Senate, Where 2 parties have too much power so much that whenever one of them throws out any idea the other party try's to block it before someone can blink an eye. America used to be the country where people could start all over chasing there dreams. Now i see country totally stuffed and totally ignored with the problems they have to deal with, they only run away from there problems, America so against porn and everything that shows a little bit towards it but yet it still got the biggest porn industrial of the word, somehow disturbing that a country try to tell other countries what to do while it cannot even accept itself as it is with the people in it.

    I do say chop the country in little countries give them all own government I just fail to understand why people living in LA have to be fed up with stuff and laws made by people 1000 miles away in NY, There just no feeling with the area's people live in and there circumstances. But it is the same with Russia too, too big if you ask me.

    America have so much struggle they need to solve but as long as you have those republics and democrats as only real parties with power I think America is not going to get far and in 20 years form now will be now where close as being number one nation of the world any more which will be China and even Russia will probably getting ahead of them.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    The American dream has been dreamt or so they say, I think that America biggest problem is there Senate, Where 2 parties have too much power so much that whenever one of them throws out any idea the other party try's to block it before someone can blink an eye. America used to be the country where people could start all over chasing there dreams. Now i see country totally stuffed and totally ignored with the problems they have to deal with, they only run away from there problems, America so against porn and everything that shows a little bit towards it but yet it still got the biggest porn industrial of the word, somehow disturbing that a country try to tell other countries what to do while it cannot even accept itself as it is with the people in it.

    I do say chop the country in little countries give them all own government I just fail to understand why people living in LA have to be fed up with stuff and laws made by people 1000 miles away in NY, There just no feeling with the area's people live in and there circumstances. But it is the same with Russia too, too big if you ask me.

    America have so much struggle they need to solve but as long as you have those republics and democrats as only real parties with power I think America is not going to get far and in 20 years form now will be now where close as being number one nation of the world any more which will be China and even Russia will probably getting ahead of them.
    NY isn't the capital of america Washington DC is? Unless you mean laws in other states affect a state which it doesn't. By the way we have a federal government so the states have more power than the national gov. Each state makes laws that apply to them.

  3. #23


    Low balling America is cool when we deserve it for deeds we have done in present day. Most of the horrendous things that are going on in America are Americas problem alone. Support and help from exterior sources are always welcome. At the end of the day, media ruins more then just the peoples mind. It twists and skews pre conceived ideas of the people, into believing some right wing or left wing ideal that they do not fully understand. "this cake looks so delicious, it taste fantastic, but i am completely unaware that it was made from goat milk and man sperm." Point being that people are so busy in this day in age, trying to make a living that they will believe even just a head line of a radical news source like fox or huffing-ton post and base there votes off that, on the people we trust to make valuable decisions while in office. America can be fixed but at a large cost to luxurious living and relaxation. Hard work and sacrifice get a very long way, no dream can become a reality with out these.
    Personal reform

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Michelle View Post
    NY isn't the capital of america Washington DC is? Unless you mean laws in other states affect a state which it doesn't. By the way we have a federal government so the states have more power than the national gov. Each state makes laws that apply to them.
    Yes I know DC is, but for me it was more of pointing out that people who live on the east coast has little in common with those who live on the west coast. Howe can you make everything so that it fits for millions in people all across the USA. Maybe in the old days it was all right but these days ask for more significant changes and the government of the USA seems very incapable of doing so. Why else goes everything wrong what can go wrong. There is just no feeling whatsoever with there own folk.

    I don't like the idea of USA going backwards at all I rather see a strong and united USA then China or Russia on top telling everyone what to do, but the USA is just to stubborn to look at the problems that are on the table, no rather they just keep going to war and spending billions of money out on operations with succeed changes less then 5% instead of spending it on there own folk and keep there country healthy. And the worst thing is because of that other nations have to step in too. I would be glad if there would be some wise young people step up and take the lead then rather these old fashion senator who just keep looking away and rather give a damm about there own pocket money.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    Yes I know DC is, but for me it was more of pointing out that people who live on the east coast has little in common with those who live on the west coast. Howe can you make everything so that it fits for millions in people all across the USA. Maybe in the old days it was all right but these days ask for more significant changes and the government of the USA seems very incapable of doing so. Why else goes everything wrong what can go wrong. There is just no feeling whatsoever with there own folk.

    I don't like the idea of USA going backwards at all I rather see a strong and united USA then China or Russia on top telling everyone what to do, but the USA is just to stubborn to look at the problems that are on the table, no rather they just keep going to war and spending billions of money out on operations with succeed changes less then 5% instead of spending it on there own folk and keep there country healthy. And the worst thing is because of that other nations have to step in too. I would be glad if there would be some wise young people step up and take the lead then rather these old fashion senator who just keep looking away and rather give a damm about there own pocket money.
    In the beginning, states had all the power and the feds hardly had any. Over the course of the years the vision the founding fathers gave this country has been reversed. Even the checks and balances to stop what has become of this government are being walked all over (constitution).

  6. Default

    That is why what America truly wants and needs is not more change but a restoration. We need to restore the Constitution and the values that have made our great nation. We need to return to not being the worlds military leader (police) but the worlds leader in values and integrity.

    If the definition of a leader is being the person people want to follow then the definition of a leading nation should be a country that other nations want to emulate. If we are copying other countries and they are trying to do anything other than what we are doing we fucked up somewhere.

    A nation that throws away its values when ever convenient has none and it is this reason that the US is constantly made a fool on the worlds stage. Restore honor in the Constitution and restore leadership based on values and principles and we shall restore the nation.

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    my big thing is how the constitution says that if the people arnt happy they can over throw the government but yet if you would try to do that you would go to jail for conspiracy against the government.

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    Quote Originally Posted by taz1stP View Post
    my big thing is how the constitution says that if the people arnt happy they can over throw the government but yet if you would try to do that you would go to jail for conspiracy against the government.
    Where does it say that:

  9. Default

    taz i think that is due to years of media propaganda from news corporation, constantly hammering in the same message that its anti American to oppose government. For me in the past American politics during presidential elections is one of the longest running comedy shows in history. But this election is different somehow. America became great because of a very strong economy not by military might.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_MikeyRevile View Post
    "this cake looks so delicious, it taste fantastic, but i am completely unaware that it was made from goat milk and man sperm."
    They must have been reading this lovely cookbook.


    Tastes like your moms kisses.

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