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Thread: America today

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    need to quit getting liquored up before i get on here XD i mean makes it really hard to think right.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Curdy View Post
    taz i think that is due to years of media propaganda from news corporation, constantly hammering in the same message that its anti American to oppose government. For me in the past American politics during presidential elections is one of the longest running comedy shows in history. But this election is different somehow. America became great because of a very strong economy not by military might.
    It's different because all the people trying to get nominated by the Republican party are retarded... and everyone knows it. (Except for Paul) The Republicans have a flavor of the week. They couldn't pick someone to represent them if their lives dependend on it. Cain was up, then Cain was down, Perry was up, then Perry was down, Gingrich was up, and now Gingrich is down. Bachmann, Santorum, and Huntsman will never be taken seriously. (Esp Bachmann) It's different because the only person who is close enough to be considered a real Republican, is Paul... but they dismiss him crazy which I find quite ironic. However it is not just you that enjoys our elections as the longest running comedy show in history... I've seen plenty of other people in different countries that think the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Curdy View Post
    taz i think that is due to years of media propaganda from news corporation, constantly hammering in the same message that its anti American to oppose government.
    I wish Bill Hicks was still alive

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    He is thinking of the first ammendment in the Bill of Rights, "and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.".

    That's far from what it means Taz. You as a citizen with the collective of others have a right to petition the government, and they are obligated to explain and address the problem and not ignore them, should they do it, you have the right to retain all money's you pay to the government (taxes, loans, ect). Good luck with that.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

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    I figured he was confusing some quotes from the founding fathers talking about how there should be a revolution every 10 years or so and a new constitution. This was when they were floating ideas around and obviously was never seriously supported and was retracted.

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    this is really fucked up...

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