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Thread: America today

  1. Default America today

    Seems like your Country is going down the drain.

    More opinions please, a debate would be cool

  2. Default

    Yup it's time to move to Canada... the republicans are psychos, the democrats are pussies. Anybody not belonging to these parties are butt-fucked form the get go. There is no hope left.

  3. Default

    I don't believe this is the case at all.

    I DO believe that our country has managed to kick its own ass by sending too many kids off to college, thus reducing the supply of blue collar workers, raising wages and production costs, then causing jobs to outsource, HOWEVER, I also believe that we're in the beginning of a new industrial revolution. Much of the world, including China, Japan, and select parts of Europe are trending about American products and clothes due to the quality our products typically are envisioned to have.

    Our country has made a fair share of mistakes, but we're in no way facing a collapse, nor even another war.

    We ARE about to see a few of Obama's laws kick in within the next 2-3 years and by the time that happens, our economy will be almost at 100%. Most of the impact our country is about to witness is stronger regulation on safety or environment which is going to create jobs etc. It's going to be interesting to see what happens as very few of Obama's campaign promises that he kept will be or have been witnessed during this term. Oh, and as far as that goes, proves the dems aren't pussies. I'm an independent but I've been prObama from the start, and we're about to witness some REAL shit, no matter whom is in office come 2013.
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    your helmet is being shipped.

  4. Default

    only person that makes sense in your nominations for the republicans is Ron Paul, a great taboo apparently

  5. Default

    first thing i want to say is you are asking for a troll to come in here and have a blast (crazyhorse) and like i have said before America is Americas problem so people from other country should stay out of our business. but America is fucked because we let people vote in dumb niggers who are foreign into office b/c they want to make history or vote for the better looking one i mean people who only vote for those reason should not be able to vote. but i mean i only see it this way b/c im not a fucking retard.

    penis your funny you also have to look at how he fucked our economy over so badly i mean cmon man he put us into debt to get us out you see how that worked. i mean if you think Obama is worth a damn then you are fucking ignorant.

  6. Default

    well you say America is America problem yet you intend to bail the EU out and have military bases all over and your foreign policy is flawed and effects other nations, so the argument its your problem seems void, since its everyone's problem

  7. Default

    well if you think about it American base's are there b/c we have so much awesomeness and we want to share but our economy is our problem and we also have the UN here so it counts as every country's base XD

  8. Default

    well your not really making much sense tbh bases are there for awesome? if anything if its utterly pointless, like rome american economy is crumbling and runaway inflation is going to effect

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    Quote Originally Posted by taz1stP View Post
    first thing i want to say is you are asking for a troll to come in here and have a blast (crazyhorse) and like i have said before America is Americas problem so people from other country should stay out of our business. but America is fucked because we let people vote in dumb niggers who are foreign into office b/c they want to make history or vote for the better looking one i mean people who only vote for those reason should not be able to vote. but i mean i only see it this way b/c im not a fucking retard.

    penis your funny you also have to look at how he fucked our economy over so badly i mean cmon man he put us into debt to get us out you see how that worked. i mean if you think Obama is worth a damn then you are fucking ignorant.
    I can't begin to comprehend how ignorant and naive you are, Squidward.

    Go back to playing your clarinet.

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  10. Default

    taz do you even watch the news? if soooo plz tell me its not fox

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