Real Name: Ryan
In game Name: D-Monic
Weapons of Choice: Ak, Shotty, Dualies
Maps: D2, Piranesi, Italy
Reason for App: I think I would make a good contribution to Ibis. I'm in here like everyday, and these are like the only servers I play on. Another note all of the other Ibis crew are good people I look forward to playing with you guys alot more
Experience: Well I never been in another clan, and I don't got no exp. in like big tournaments or nothing, but I've scrimmed a good bit and you can just slap me around and I'll get the point
Contact Info: Xfire-volcom5105 Steam-volcom5105 [email protected]
A lil About me: I play games all day everydayI also build computers on the side, and am going to school for cisco training. I am about to have a daughter born next month. Woooooooo go me
anyway I'm outta thoughts and if there is anything esle you need from me let me know