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Thread: Diablo 3

  1. Default

    fuck that. It's 10 times better. no more playing tetris with your inventory, just each item taking one of the 60 slots, the arrows up and down system so you can tell uber fast if gear is better, the ability 2 switch through your new picked up items and equip without being in the inventory screen. Nothing is good about D3... it's a pile of shit and has been since release. When and if they take the console version and through it on PC, THEN and only then will the PC version be worth playing.

    Also loot 2.0 is the greatest thing since sliced bread lol....

    Ya... my barb is kinda crazy.... he makes me happy =)

    Yes there is paragon in the console verison, and paragon apparently is account bound... so if you have 30 paragon, and make a new character, it will automatically have 30 paragon.

    Inferno has master level 1 through 5, haven't honestly played it yet. Once I hit 60 I basically started my demon hunter. Will check out inferno in the next few days and let ya know.

    Even when they give the PC version all this good shit... I'll probably stick with the console version just cause I have so many horrid memories of D3 on PC... console version is like a nice fresh new and better start for me.... don't have 2 think about "error 3008" and all the other bullshit that has gone down since it came out lol.

    Just go buy it on console and come have some fun ^^

    Have you actually played it? or only seen footage?
    Last edited by maynard; 09-23-2013 at 02:40 PM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  2. Default

    I played through the demo. It definitely has several advantages over its PC counterpart but the loot and lack of an AH are definitely the most significant and game changing from everything I've read. It's all about itemization - totally broken in the PC version, fixed in the console version and soon to be fixed on PC. I actually like Tetris inventory management so we're just going to have to agree to disagree on that one.

    I can understand sticking to the console version for sure. I'm not going to be picking it up personally, but don't get me wrong - if I didn't have 200 hours in D3 and the PC version wasn't slated for the fixes in March, I'd be all over it.

    I'll let you know how Reaper of Souls is though when I'm playing it this spring.

  3. Default

    I like the original style with the normal inventory screen and all... but not for console, what they did for console is great for it... not sure if they will change that for the pc version or not. seems if they make the PC version have loot 2.0 and run difficulty wise the same as the console version, the game it's self would be soooo much better. Yeah got the hundreds of hours in D3... kinda enjoying starting with a clean slate... that and vegging out on the couch with a controller only playing D3 is pretty boss lol.

    I'll prob buy the expansion for PC and check it out just so I know what's going on but will still probably focus on the console version.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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