Name in Game: [NTN] Miker (R) Hunt
Steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:5808076
Who banned you: Dontno
When: 5 minutes ago
Where: Zombie
Why banned: Don't know. Was trying to reload hit my "t" key and it said banned. I think my "t" key is !zstuck I don't know.
Name in Game: [NTN] Miker (R) Hunt
Steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:5808076
Who banned you: Dontno
When: 5 minutes ago
Where: Zombie
Why banned: Don't know. Was trying to reload hit my "t" key and it said banned. I think my "t" key is !zstuck I don't know.
jdme banned you for repeated ztele.
for jdme to ban - something i never saw him do b4, says alot.
reason: repeated zteleing.
ban was a 5 minute ban and by now its already over...
Can someone tell me the rules about !ztele'ing to CT spawn in spacestation?
Oh, I don't know... lets give a theoretical situation?
When you're at the end of spacestation defending the boxes with all the humans, NOT STUCK inside another human. In fact, ur alone and in a corner when everyone turns to zombies, and then the zombies turn around and run towards you, and you ztele away from them even after a previous warning... WHILE IM SPECTATING YOU...
And it was only a 5 minute ban, which is over by now.
5 Min banned is to nice... I Give 2hrs after I giving out a warning.
A relative of yours, perhaps?
lmfao... well played d1ld0 that was purfect.
Do yourself a favor and read this thoroughly.
Ice, am I gonna have to come back with admin soon and start babysitting the server again? XD
I've been telling you that for weeks. College is not for you.