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Thread: More Zm maps

  1. Lightbulb More Zm maps

    So yeah I need maps again Zero im bored I have not tested most of these maps because most are new and I only play ibis most time but i looked for good comments and good rating maps cuz i want to have more fun on some barricade maps sick of all the escape maps to much running zm_aspi_dispo_v5 zm_bridge_run_v1 zm_city19_intel (24) zm_complication_v6 zm_crazys_facility_b2 zm_deep_thought_remix zm_distant zm_dream_up_tr zm_hangum_high zm_hospitalv4 zm_huntingground_v4-2

    Not that many yet and I suggested hangum high again because ive only seen it played on classic zombie mod where there are no classes and very unfair but i think with class's it might be fair.

    Oh and is there anyway I can get a full ibis map list and make my suggestions of what need to be taken off Thanks

  2. Default

    I'd like some new maps too, We're always on the same maps, think it'd be good to try new maps out and remove them from the list right away if people don't like them. I know there's a few maps that I haven't played yet from the last time the list was updated, but apparently they're not very good because whenever a vote comes up with one of them in it I'll ask "What's [insert map name] like? Never been there." Usually there will be a whole load of "Oh, that map blows." type responses. Think we need to find some new maps that can be played over and over again like the ones we're always on now.
    "An Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force and expended flares for emphasis over Salerno after enemy forces attacked a coalition forward base. The arrival of the aircraft prompted an immediate retreat by enemy personnel."

  3. Default

    naw, i say get rid of a few maps that are not ever played on. I mean like a new map every week should be about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by EVL_Ripper View Post

    Oh and let your mom know I did receive the invitation she sent for your party at Chuck E Cheese tomorrow.

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