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Thread: catching walls and you: it's harder than you think

  1. Default catching walls and you: it's harder than you think

    so last night i played a little gungame, it was late, probably shouldn't have been on, but oh well. won 3 rounds in a row, so i decided to pull my demos and see if it looked i was walling in a few places. obviously, i wasn't, i never have, and i've never tried to. what i saw was a few spots where it seemed like i was using good anticipation and radar, but then i saw tick 21k in the first demo i watched and if it was someone else i'd swear it was the most obvious walltrace ever. if you watch the whole demo, you can see there are times where if i had walls, i would've done something different than i did, but that can be explained by toggling as well. so what i'd like to have this thread be is a place where the more experienced members of the community and admins can post what they look for when they think someone's walling, and ways to avoid false bans because of it. feel free to use the demo i was talking about as an example if you want.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  2. Default

    always keep in mind there aren't only 2 options... it's not someone either hacks or doesn't, there's always the third option which is inconclusive.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  3. Default

    Direct tracing... Random nades... Pre aim and prefire when there is NO sound or radar, ect , ect...

    An experience wallhacker will most always slip by until they slip up.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  4. Default

    Wall hacking is, indeed, difficult to spot. The main thing that I look for is a consistent pattern. I would never vote that someone is hacking on only a few instances in a long demo. I would, however, take more demos and look at them and see if there are any more instances. I would definitely expect a wallhacker to consistently round corners and anticipate the enemy. There may be some tracing, but for me, that's not a reliable source unless it's constant, because an experienced wallhacker would never trace..or atleast purposely..because they know it's a dead giveaway.

    I would look at any fishy instances and try to pull the ghost hunters theory. I would try to debunk it before I jump to conclusions. If there is no logical (radar, sound, previous firefight that could have been heard, etc..) reason that the person in question got the kill..then it could be conclusive.

    The great thing about SourceTV is that, if you expect don't have to view them directly. You can always pull a demo from when they think nooone is watching..and they're more likely to slip up!

    If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.

  5. Default

    Most "wallhacks" that kids pick up are utilizing view angle exploits that can be easily thwarted with zblock. As well as many other cheats that coders come out with.

    All zero has to do is add that plugin and most people who are cheating "sneakily" won't even be able to enter into the server.

    One more simple plugin can't hurt! lol

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  6. #6


    Some wallets are very obvious which helps a lot but in the case of experienced walling ninjas there are a few things I look for. Prefire is somthing I never take into consideration unless it is completely blatant. Most skilled players prefire around corners and nooks they know an enemy player is most likely going to be. This also makes it tough to use excuses like, you couldn't hear me I was walking Ect. I use my gut and human intuition a lot when playing. So this leaves a few in depth things to look for as far as walling goes. If a player seems to be consistently in the midst of the fire due to changing from his original route, you could safely assume he is using walls to follow enemy movement. If the player follows an enemy threw a wall one time... Don't worry. If he is following players threw walls consistently, he is probualy walling. I like to believe that a Waller actually trying to hide the fact that he is walling won't directly trace a player but rather use field of view techniques to work around the map.

    Wallets are tough but if you think like one when reviewing demos it becomes more clear.
    Personal reform

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_MikeyRevile View Post
    Some wallets are very obvious which helps a lot but in the case of experienced walling ninjas there are a few things I look for. Prefire is somthing I never take into consideration unless it is completely blatant. Most skilled players prefire around corners and nooks they know an enemy player is most likely going to be. This also makes it tough to use excuses like, you couldn't hear me I was walking Ect. I use my gut and human intuition a lot when playing. So this leaves a few in depth things to look for as far as walling goes. If a player seems to be consistently in the midst of the fire due to changing from his original route, you could safely assume he is using walls to follow enemy movement. If the player follows an enemy threw a wall one time... Don't worry. If he is following players threw walls consistently, he is probualy walling. I like to believe that a Waller actually trying to hide the fact that he is walling won't directly trace a player but rather use field of view techniques to work around the map.

    Wallets are tough but if you think like one when reviewing demos it becomes more clear.
    mikey stop posting replies on your phone. i don't care about wallets

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  8. Default


    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  9. #9


    Stupid auto correct, I ducking hate it!
    Personal reform

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_MikeyRevile View Post
    I ducking hate it!
    .... you should try reading your posts before posting them... or even after....

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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