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Thread: Rushing spawn Rule.

  1. Default

    cry me a river...
    Rehab is for quitters...

    Quote Originally Posted by brett friggin favre View Post
    so lemme get this straight cowboy, you have a mustache, you fly shit, that a nascar tailgate? fuck bears, you shoot guns, you ride horses, you have a big ass sombrero...and is that you on a crotch rocket? c'mon man...i saw you as more of a mustang/chopper kind of guy
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    pig and beer? shit you're my new best friend.

  2. Default

    spidey needs some massive reworking. i don't think we need special rules put in place, but they require nerfs. badly.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  3. Default

    Priest I tried posting nerfs But nobody fucking listened to me and whoever else posted, and now im trying to get this passed meanwhile zero fixes spidey so its not so OP. Since coding takes a long time and since we just lost 6+months of it, This rule should be in place. Something needs to be done to spidey, It is the most op race we have, make it so it cant buy laces and increase World damage by 300% and we wouldnt need rules like this but until that day happens we need rules in place.

    @maynard, Spideys can easily get out of wards, one spidey web and they out. Wards are not good at countering them. You are underestimating the abilitys of spidey a lot.

    @Chikun This is not bitching about moles, this is making rules for our 2 most OP races. Vagabond is easier to counter just buy a lace, but spidey is a different, it has High evasion and long jump along with the webs. You should know how annoying it is when Zack rushes spawn and kills everyone, its really Bullshit cheap.

    @hotfuzz, ima headshot juu!!

  4. #14


    lol, spidey is a horrible race. I laugh at spidey players inability to avoid my head shots. ehm ehm LOL britney!

    It dosnt need to be re done because the race isnt OP, what the fuck is with people latly blaming exterior things for the own personal inability to be better then what they really are. Just learn how to aim, adapt to a consistently changing game and be good... there is a reason people who are good, are always good and never crying about anything.
    Personal reform

  5. Default

    Mikey, you're terrible.

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Sin View Post
    Mikey, you're terrible.
    I challange you to a dual!
    Personal reform

  7. Default

    I don't believe Dual plays here anymore, but you can have him all to yourself.

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  8. Default

    serious, if your entire team is getting pwwnd by a couple people rushing you, it's prob best you die at the beginning of the round as you guys just suck...

    the rule isn't gonna happen as there's no need for it. change your race, learn 2 aim and play... real simple. and I don't underestimate anything about spidey, I Just have 0 sympathy for QQ'ers who act like it's some kinda God race and impossible 2 kill lol...

    also zero has stated numerous times that he wont be doing major nerfs 2 races till all the races are out, and back 2 where they originally were.
    Last edited by maynard; 02-21-2012 at 10:50 AM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  9. Default

    best defense against spideys:

    multiple shadow hunters

    if they forget anti-ward, theyre fucked. if they forget lace, theyre fucked. if all that fails, humans hold em in place while the others go invulnerable. eye of ra is the easy double kill if they both forget laces, and otherwise just pisses the other people off.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaPanda View Post
    A Spiderman or Vagabond cannot rush the enemy Spawn for the first 10 secounds of the map, Only exclusion is Dust 2. I am hoping to make this a new rule. Spideys and vagas should not be able to rush the enemy spawn and kill everyone still there after buying weapons. Its honestly retarted, and it needs to have a ruling. All the race whores will be up in arms because this is how they get half their kills, and its quite annoying buying guns and 2 secs later being killed by a spidey or vaga in spawn. This isnt a rage post for all you fucks who think im just raging. I am just trying to balance the spidey race since it is retartdly OP
    Great post, even better rule, as i have mentioned this aswell in one of my threads a lil while back. Unfortunately, you will get the typical responses as in*switch your race* or your whole team is there with you. Both are true, lets switch a race, what if spidey has anti wards? as im sure anyone who plays knows if you are playing spidey, you will have pretty good amount of kills, so saving up is not that hard, especially when anti wards are only 1500.

    And your whole team being there is a negative not a positive. Spidey usually rush with a p90, meaning the more the better, spraying all over the place, bunny hoping, most people are caught of guard, some people are still on buy menu and dont even look or see them coming.

    IMO, spwn rushing is not even the problem, on most maps spiderman or vagabond can get to bombsites before anyone else with a regular race can get to cover them. Which is a huge problem because one you get the bomb down, its pretty hard to defuse it especially vs a vaga that can go invis 50 yards back and just chill until some1 comes up thinking they got a free defuse. This is an extreme case in maps like Dolls, dust2(rush b with spidey) aztec and few others.

    Not a hard rule to implement, but this would make the game alot more balanced in terms of at least having a chance to leave your starting area, and defending objectives, especially for newer players who cant switch to other races since they dont got the total level for few counters that there are.

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