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Thread: Map in progress!

  1. Default Map in progress!

    Hey as some of you already know I'm currently making a map. I've wanted to for years but always find some excuse to put it off lol. The name is going to be zm_freewayapocalypse
    Themed off large multi lane roads at a random exit with a gas station and some houses maybe a barn. I've got an epic idea for putting tubes in it that involves a crashed semi. Anywho I don't wanna give too much away but I posted this thread so that once I have screenshots and shit I'll post it here and yall can comment on it. Critisizm is always welcome and feel free to post ideas or whatever! I'm inexperienced with hammer so it may take me a while. Any pro's should lemme know if im doing something wrong. <3

    Also if I get this one done I thought of maybe doing an airport themed one. Dunno if that has been done to an acceptable level or not.

    So yeah the map is at about 5% completion. Mainly have the floor done and a semi. Trying to get references for distance and stuff so i dont make doors too small etc.. I am super excited! I'm going to make it as balanced as possible, like not a zombie or human sided map. This will be difficult especially with my lack of experience but who knows I could get lucky!

    P.S. I hate the afk manager in zm... I like having background noise when im working on it but I have to tab over every 5 minutes or so. #randombitching

    Oh and I forgot to specify. It will be a cade map!! Escapes are way too overplayed and imo would be harder to make. Maybe in the future lol.

  2. Default

    Screenshots! Today has been a pain in my ass. I try things and they don't work so then i take twice as long troubleshooting. I'm about 7% of the way done.

    Yes that is a GT500 ^.^ Thanks to Nataly or something from fpsbanana. I did not make it lol. Copy paste ftw. How's the road look? There's only 1 direction atm. As I said it's been such a pain in the ass. I have to figure out what everything is supposed to be saved as and named and whatnot. compile errors and file not found errors I almost rage deleted it. But I am determined!

  3. Default

    ummm, that should be a delorean.

    otherwise, it looks nice for a perfectly flat area w/ a road
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  4. Default

    That's all it is atm lol. It won't be for long. And I'd make a dalorean but I am not that good at making cool stuff. =p

  5. Default

    im sure failboat has got some awesome stuff for us, can't wait to play it/test it!

  6. #6


    What do I need to download, ill make you some stuff.
    Personal reform

  7. Default

    Link to progress album

    NEW SCREENIES! Check out the album! ^
    I'm just using source sdk so if you were srs just download it from your steam "tools" library. :3 It's not been a very enjoyable experience so far. If I could spend more time mapping than troubleshooting I'd be able to whip this shit up so fast. But hammer crashes more than those crazy azns.

    Next I'll likely be putting in an exit ramp. On top of which there will be crashed vehicles and such. Gonna throw in a barn too and a farmhouse. I need to make a flatbed trailor semi as well. Sigh so much to do!

  8. Default

    Looks like it is coming along. Cant wait to see the finished product.

  9. Default

    failboat make me my own special secret room that no one but me and you will know about XD and on the wall put tyrants the best haha

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