A couple admins and regulars have been discussing over the past month or so, the incorporation of one or more new zombie classes. Classes like predator, infected, deformed, and poison have all been huge benefits to balancing the game, and also giving players a reason to WANT to be zombie (cus lets face it, otherwise it's rather boring v.v).

Ideas that have come up include:

-Regenerating Zombie: Low health (2-3k), with speeds, knockback, jump similar to predator class. Increasing the jump aspect though to that of infected would be nice though. Reason: Regeneration would allow for going FULL OUT on a cade without worrying "Well I can sacrifice myself on this one, but won't be able to go for another cade". By allowing for fast Regen, we could give zombies another advantage for spots like crouch spots and tubes where having the health AND speed would prove beneficial. Deformed is generally too slow to reach these DEEP crouch spots (monitor on Miniature room and tunnel on Snoopie). This would encourage circulating zombies (ex: Lead a train, get down to low hp, ztele, and get back at the end of the line to keep pushing forward).

-Armor Zombie: Medium Health (5-6k), speed similar to infected, low jump, knockback similar to predator xp class. If there is a way (and I think there's something similar to this on WCS servers), decreasing the chance of a bullet impacting as if it were glancing off the zombies "armor". I think this would help again with crouch spots, but also in escape maps with having speed, but also the CHANCE of either being knocked back (fast zombie) or breaking through humans (deformed if it ever gets close enough). I don't know what increasing the armor on zombies does exactly but this may work too? But we're not looking for another deformed class, more of a "gambling" class that takes a chance.

-Power Zombie: Low Hp (2-3k), low knockback (slightly more than deformed), jump low, speed low. Think of a weightlifter on steroids that just got turned while doing his workout at the gym. This is the zombie for all those who feel they need a little more power to get the job done. Cades that are well constructed can be torn apart, but most require several proficient zombies that coordinate well to do so. This is not always the most effective as zombies A) can't get to the spot in sufficient time to break it, and B) not everyone is "proficient". Looking for increased pushing power to help flip bookshelves over (not alone, but with little help required). The low HP would balance this one out well, causing caders to be vigilant and on guard rather than fapping and laughing at the zombie clusterfucks.

These are just some things I thought were rather valid, and of course the jump, knockback etc. could be changed to whatever the higher-level admins think would work best. By putting in some new zombie classes though, we're encouraging more players to want to be zombie, as well as (hopefully) eliminating some of the unbalance that seems to be occurring (ex: CT's camping crouch spots with powerful paras that require little to no teamwork, balancing cades like those on little town that are just not breakable (lets be honest, you can't break them unless a CT messes up)).

P.S. Please post some WELL THOUGHT ideas on other zombie classes that you feel would BENEFIT BALANCED PLAY.