player koolayed in the zm server has gotten on my last nerve. We played 2 maps before i had enough of his shit and i ban him. He 1st came in the server and i warned him i don't want any of his shit. He still insisted to mic spam and disrespect me. He 1st started talking about every little thing that was going on, so i muted him and warned him a second time. So he changes hjis name to Koolayed, holy your a cry baby. Or something on the line of that. Then i unmuted him and he still spam his mic and started to ask why i would pay 11 bucks a month to pay for admin. I then ask him 1 final time to stop and he just ignore me and kept saying what a bad server this was. He Then started saying that the admins on this server were pathetic, and ruined the server. That's what could explain why the server is always full? He then insisted to start spamming his mic with random words so then i said that's it, and i put a 1 day ban on his ass.
This is a kid that should be reconized as a disruption to the server, and should watch himself for future dates. I didn't get a demo, or a screenshot due to their were 2 other admins on that can help me.
I'd give this kid 1 last warning before i put him up for perm ban, with some of the demo's and screenshots iv'e got on him.