I stopped reading at "The Elder Scrolls Online will feature raids and heroic modes for its dungeons as end game content..."
I stopped reading at "The Elder Scrolls Online will feature raids and heroic modes for its dungeons as end game content..."
4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.
Found in my recommended, kinda older video, and alpha, no actual video gameplay but what the guy describes sounds very good.
Joy boner. PvP sounds awesome. Can't wait to relive the Lineage 2 glory days.
Tastes like your moms kisses.
Fucking finally. Didn't know how long it was going to take for them to try and make something like this.
hey hey hey, stop buying games at launch.
last two games I have bought at launch where BF3 (the only thing I really regret is the FUCKING ORGIN SHIT, so I never play it, and I got it for 40 bucks) and TOR, which I got for 20 bucks at launch.
I have learned to wait a year and if I am still intersted get the game for 20-30 bucks instead of 60.
Tastes like your moms kisses.
No thanks!
4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.