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Thread: Someone Help know all the secrets?please!

  1. Default Someone Help know all the secrets?please!

    If you guys know any secrets in zm maps please put it in this thread so i could learn, cause i don't get how people know where the buttons are even in the wall how do know that? So please help me, put secrets in this THREAD.

    Thank you!

  2. Default

    you could just search google or you tube duh and dont tell people secrets then it wouldnt be a secret

  3. Default

    Searching them up is the noob's way into the pro spots :3

    And negative. The wealth of knowledge will only be told to those deemed worthy!

    Oh, but there is a neat secret on zm_fubar_towers_v5. In the building where the ct's spawn, go to the first floor and there is a button on the wall. Break the glass and press the button. You will see that there is a crouch spot underneath the staircase. The button activates a teleport that will transport you to a elongated room.......... you must wait there for 45 seconds (you absolutely must NOT move from the spot you teleported to), you will be teleported again to the map's skybox

    Have fun
    Last edited by Bane of Soldiers; 06-25-2012 at 10:33 PM. - anime | manga | reviews

  4. Default

    136 Romeo Juliet

  5. Default

    why should we tell you the secrets we've learned through playing the maps? explore the frakking things, download them and play with them in source SDK or hammer, and learn for yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  6. Default

    While you're at it you might as well practice learning how to drive some of the vehicles in the maps as well, no one likes that asshole who can't drive the helicopter in boat escape.

    Do we even have boat escape still?

  7. Default

    Learn by playing.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by mastercheff View Post
    While you're at it you might as well practice learning how to drive some of the vehicles in the maps as well, no one likes that asshole who can't drive the helicopter in boat escape.

    Do we even have boat escape still?
    Heli and pods are broken.

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    Jan 2012
    East Coast (and that's all I'm tellin' xD)


    Quote Originally Posted by Freakemon View Post
    If you guys know any secrets in zm maps please put it in this thread so i could learn, cause i don't get how people know where the buttons are even in the wall how do know that? So please help me, put secrets in this THREAD.

    Thank you!
    A) Yes, I know secrets
    B) No, I will not post them here
    C) People know where buttons are because they are privy to those secrets (or they use common sense/aka google )
    D) No, I'm not going to help you because if you even bothered to search a LITTLE, you might find some valuable information out there on the internet...

    Tough love is a bitch
    Artist's Representation - "Finding life on the go board"

  10. Default

    Google, Youtube and Spectator mode are your best friends!

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