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Thread: Zombie mod server down

  1. Default Zombie mod server down

    The Zombie mod server is down and doesnt seem to be coming back online.

  2. Default

    nope wcs mod either...

  3. Default

    Well since ever server is down but assassination i was wondering if anyone wants to go play that?

  4. Default systems down!

    Dammit we are losing power all over the ship!!

  5. Default

    Strange, they are up now...

  6. Default

    They were down because of the pyromania update. As such, sourcemod had to be updated. Interesting you missed that today, ZERO

  7. Default

    Actually no the problem was sm trying to update and I had to stop it. This is a perfect example of why I hate auto updating anything ever. I will update when I am dam ready as 99% of the time updates just break shit.

  8. Default

    They were down because of the pyromania update. As such, sourcemod had to be updated. Interesting you missed that today, ZERO
    stop while your ahead.

    Meh i don't know why we even bother with auto updates anyway, no matter what theirs far to many anomalous factors that deviate from what the server normally does.

    Rezel<ibis>: i'll make a self reliant artificial intelligence to deal with admins... I'll call it maynard 1.0 a exact replica of his personality to kick the shit out of bad admins..
    maynard<ibis>: an army of AI maynards.... this pleases me.

  9. Default

    The updater is fine. Sounds like user error, imo.

    I updated my zombie mod server (and others) through pyromania in one restart.

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