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Thread: Look who is back!!

  1. Default Look who is back!!

    First off I wanna say cyber if people think your an asshole than they don't know what's coming. your more than welcome to keep the asshole tag continue on by all means. you've earned my attention towards your clan app.for all the new regs and admins sorry I don't know you but I will try to get to know you guys/girls. just realize one thing I'll always be a jerk/asshole but when I respect you I actually do respect you. That's all oh and aco is still a fat pos.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  2. Default

    And yet this is his happy side.....don't fuck with him lol

  3. Default

    Welcome back! I would type a witty message, but I don't want to die.

  4. Default

    for you

    holding big tits.jpg

    Love, Clone

    "If BBW's were candy I would have one every day hahahaahha"
    "Have you every heard of the dating website well I check out the website HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA"
    "I have a super power called retarded... but i use it sparingly"


  5. Default

    Welcome back, nice to see another clan member around here, even if you are an asshole

    I, too, am an asshole by virtue of aforementioned tag.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Clone View Post
    for you holding big tits.jpgLove, Clone
    I've always said you've got loose screws in the head clone haha
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  7. #7


    i dont think anyone thinks cyber is an asshole... its just some clan tag he wears.

    Welcome back.
    Personal reform

  8. Default

    He cry's more than he's an asshole.

    Anyway, I was playing with you last week, how are you just back... >.>

    Also, Lol about aco.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  9. Default

    And here I thought I was safe inside Ibis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer View Post
    He cry's more than he's an asshole.Anyway, I was playing with you last week, how are you just back... >.>Also, Lol about aco.
    just wanted to post it in the forums steamer and you suck at watching what is being typed. =)
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

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