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Thread: Just to point out

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    I mean come on... shady and you pretty much are throwing bitch fits cause you didn't get your way. You know who throws fits when they don't get what they want? TODDLERS! The only person you should be pointing your finger at is your self. I lol at shady thinking his is anything but a terrible admin. However I don't know you that much so I will give you the benefit of the doubt. However, this has seriously put a bad mark on you for me.

    Servers need money to run, and like stars said there's almost no server out there that doesn't make admins pay in some way. So what if you didn't get what you want? Buck up and work harder! Nothing comes easy. An employee can be at a business for twenty years, but if they don't show the drive to push the company further they are stuck.

    Don't give that utter bullshit that the clan does nothing, the ones still around, have done more just this month then you have done in your entire stay here.

    Check your ego at the door. You can't win everything, you are NOT the shit, and you need to learn your place.

    This statement applies to both shady and you. I hope assassin, that you can pull out of this funk.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
    Please tell me what this could be? I've already offered to help Zero with coding. I can't do adminy things obv...What do you want me to do make a bakesale for iBiS? And no I'm not being sarcastic I would love for someone to tell me what else I can do to prove myself.
    I'm willing to help you assassin, for example when I was playing I noticed the PUB was never played. Zero actually had to use bots to make it look like people were in the PUB server, so what did I do?? I brought that server back to life and now its full of people sometimes its full for a couple hours but people know about IBIS PUB now. Yeah there were plenty of other things I did also with ZM but I actually contributed to the community. sometimes it may not seem like its helping the community out but trust me it is.

    Fuck you starsmine I'll shit down your dick hole and make your mother pick it out with her tongue you inbred POS.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  3. Default

    And yes maynard I get that...and again I'm not against proving myself with effort...what I am against it proving myself while spending money to have to do it. How about instead of ULA's as the only way about a seperate group like upper vets ( admin privs given or anything stupid like that) but for people who do love this community and support it the best they can without having to pay for it?

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    I have an idea assassin, Make a group of IBIS vets on steam, help the community in that way, You get to pick who you think is worthy, or set up a systemto pick those who are worthy to be an ibis vet. As you said they would not get benifites.

    Ibis assholes started that way, and so did the ibis mages.

    It improves the community, keeps the vets comming back, and gives new guys an easier goal to strive towards.
    There is a way to show your dedication AND leadership skills (something that the clan values now)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
    And yes maynard I get that...and again I'm not against proving myself with effort...what I am against it proving myself while spending money to have to do it. How about instead of ULA's as the only way about a seperate group like upper vets ( admin privs given or anything stupid like that) but for people who do love this community and support it the best they can without having to pay for it?
    I see where you're coming at from the money angle... but think of it from mine... I've paid into admin for almost 3 years strait now lol... I don't get admin free for being clan, us clan pay for it, cause we're the kind of people who support the community and do it happily... plus... wha'ts 11 a month... lol it's peanuts. The ULA's are busting their asses off daily for the clan... so it's almost impossible 2 not look towards them for clanship before everyone else as they are not only policing and keeping our servers safe, but they are supporting them by paying into them. this community does not run hugs and kisses.. it runs on cold hard cash, we need 2 generate it, and the more we do, the more options we have in the future 2 expand into other games or take the community into other directions

    if you want 2 just be an admin, and enjoy the community and have fun, go for it! but saying you want clan is a totally diff matter... that's where push comes 2 shove.

    clan is not for everyone.. it's for those who want it, and work for it. and we make you work damn hard =)

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  6. Default

    Yeah i get that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin View Post
    you don't seem to know that I personally know and talk to on a reg basis a couple of the clan members (if they are still considered them as I haven't seen most of them in awhile...go figure)
    how the fuck do you regularly talk with people who aren't on? it's things like this that piss me off... if I'm drunk, and stoned, and can correct you.. it's like... wtf? hoenstly? don't try and act like you know wtf is going on, or you're big time when you can't even get a simple story strait... it's just completely ridiculous

    and Clan isn't a street trap lol... we're not asking you 2 invest or do anything! we're giving you the option provided you want 2 take it... Nothing more. at no point will you ever be asked or preassured into purchasing admin lol.

    you clearly don't understand clan is for the dedicated, and it's probably cause you aren't.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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    What? Dude I have had deep discussion with dual and nysco and whyte (god rest his soul) along with...ya know r@pe being a very close friend of mine. I know all of the old school I don't see why you wouldn't think i know these pople we gamed in for months together all the time back in the don't think I have ways of getting ahold of em?

    I even talk to rico on occasion...though that's less and less these days.

  9. Default

    Enough name dropping already. We get it, you hung with the old clan. But this is NOW, not then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  10. Default

    Everyone you mentioned isn't here anymore except rape and rico?

    Pretty much what star has said

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