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Thread: Smac

  1. Arrow Smac

    The time has come to gear up for SMAC on our servers below is a more detailed description of what parts I plan to install and what settings. This thread is to discuss these changes before they go into effect:

    SourceMod Anti-Cheat Modules and settings:
    • Client Protection
      • This module will protect your server from general client exploits that exist such as connection spam, name change spam, and invalid name/text characters.
        • smac_antispam_connect 0
    • AutoTrigger Detector
      • Detects cheats that automatically press buttons for players.

        We are referring to these types of cheats:
        • BunnyHop - Player holds down +jump and continues to jump repeatedly.
        • Auto-Fire - Player holds down +attack and fires semi-auto weapons as if they were full-auto.
      • Many cheats come with these features enabled by default which could make them quite common to catch. The detections should be immune to natural human behaviour, but may be triggered by players using advanced scripts and aliases. A player binding their mousewheel to buttons should not trigger a detection.
    • Command Monitor
      • This module manages, monitors, and/or checks for Commands being used by players on the server. It manages commands that can be used to lag, crash, or freeze the server and manages them accordingly by either blocking them, kicking the player, banning the player, etc.
    • ConVar Checker
      • This module allows you to check if clients are trying to force there own cvars. This module will check if any client has a predefined cvar that differs from the server. Server admins can add there own cvars they would like to enforce or use the ones SMAC has predefined.
      • THIS DOES WHAT KAC already does on our server KAC will be removed when this is in place.
        • Each cvar wil be in this format - Cvarname "value it must be" (If not what will happen.)
        • These are commands clients should have at all.
        • 0penscript (Ban)
        • bat_version (Kick)
        • beetlesmod_version (Kick)
        • est_version (Kick)
        • eventscripts_ver (Kick)
        • fm_attackmode (Ban)
        • lua_open (Ban)
        • Lua-Engine (Ban)
        • mani_admin_plugin_version (Kick)
        • ManiAdminHacker (Ban)
        • ManiAdminTakeOver (Ban)
        • metamod_version (Kick)
        • openscript (Ban)
        • openscript_version
        • (Ban) runnscript (Ban)
        • SmAdminTakeover (Ban)
        • sourcemod_version (Kick)
        • tb_enabled (Ban)
        • zb_version (Kick)
        • These are the rest of the cvars that SMAC looks for
        • sv_cheats "0" (Ban)
        • sv_consistency "1" (Ban)
        • r_drawothermodels "1" (Ban)
        • cl_clock_correction "1" (Ban)
        • cl_leveloverview "0" (Ban)
        • cl_overdraw_test "0" (Ban)
        • cl_particles_show_bbox "0" (Ban)
        • cl_phys_timescale "1" (Ban)
        • cl_showevents "0" (Ban)
        • fog_enable "1" (Ban)
        • host_timescale "1" (Ban)
        • mat_dxlevel "80.0 or Higher" (Kick)
        • mat_fillrate "0" (Ban)
        • mat_measurefillrate "0" (Ban)
        • mat_proxy "0" (Ban)
        • mat_showlowresimage "0" (Ban)
        • mat_wireframe "0" (Ban)
        • mem_force_flush "0" (Ban)
        • snd_show "0" (Ban)
        • snd_visualize "0" (Ban)
        • r_aspectratio "0" (Ban)
        • r_colorstaticprops "0" (Ban)
        • r_DispWalkable "0" (Ban)
        • r_DrawBeams "1" (Ban)
        • r_drawbrushmodels "1" (Ban)
        • r_drawclipbrushes "0" (Ban)
        • r_drawdecals "1" (Ban)
        • r_drawentities "1" (Ban)
        • r_drawmodelstatsoverlay "0" (Ban)
        • r_drawopaqueworld "1" (Ban)
        • r_drawparticles "1" (Ban)
        • r_drawrenderboxes "0" (Ban)
        • r_drawskybox "1" (Ban)
        • r_drawtranslucentworld "1" (Ban)
        • r_shadowwireframe "0" (Ban)
        • r_skybox "1" (Ban)
        • r_visocclusion "0" (Ban)
        • vcollide_wireframe "0" (Ban)
    • Rcon Locker
      • This module will protect your server from general rcon exploits and crashes. It will lock your rcon password after your server has started to prevent it from being changed unintentionally.
        • Will replace existing Rcon Locker plugin
    • Anti-Speedhack
      • This module checks for abnormal speeds on clients and attempts to block them. It runs passively in the background to prevent speedhacks from working.
        • This will not prevent players with extra speed in custom servers from going the same speed. It actually prevents them from going faster than the server is currently allowing that player to go.
    • [PUB ONLY] Anti-Wallhack
      • This module prevents most wallhacks from functioning correctly. The plugin manages and renders out entities so they appear when they should and not render out unless needed. This module checks certain Cvars from the clients and servers to make sure predictions are correct for players. If this module is installed on a L4D(2) server then it will only work with the survivors.
    • [NOT WCS] CS:S Anti-Flash
      • This module manages and takes care of players using anti-flash cheats on the server it's installed on. It will manually blind/flash players when they are blinded in a way clients cannot prevent.
    • CS:S Anti-Smoke
      • This module handles and manages smoke in-game for players. It will render out and set the players camera if he/she stands inside the smoke and blinds them accordingly.
    • Global Banlists
      • EasyAntiCheat
        • EasyAntiCheat is a server-client anti-cheat solution designed for closer knit communities such as gaming leagues. Bans are either made automatically based on client detection, or manually via client data sent to their admin team, which is then reviewed by a higher ranking admin. All ban reasons and expiration dates will be listed in the log file as banned players enter your server.
      • E-Sports Entertainment
        • ESEA is a semi-private gaming community that maintains their own internal list of cheaters. Bans are either made using their anti-cheat client, or manually on a case-by-case basis. While their website states that bans for cheating last 180 days, many bans are made permanent.
      • Kigen's Anti-Cheat
        • This list contains bans made by the old version of SMAC called "Kigens Anti-Cheat" or KAC for short. All bans on this list are permanent. It is unknown at this time if new bans are still being added to this list.
          • This is what we currently use and will replace this program with SMAC

    Only the ConVar Checker will actually issue bans to players. All other parts either kick players or report detections to any admins that are in game. Remember that detections alone are not proof of hacking but they do suggest that a player should be evaluated and examined closly.

    Please place comments below: the plan is to load this up on the vip server and verify everything works there and roll out to the other servers.

  2. Default

    sweet. how will notifications be given to admins in-game?

    and are we removing kigen's, or will that remain as a secondary to SMAC?
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  3. Default

    Is the Anti-Speedhack going to cause any problems with WCS? Or do you have the max speed convar ramped up enough to compensate for sometimes unusual speed differences. Maybe I'm just failing to realize how the plugin actually handles the situation.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer View Post
    Is the Anti-Speedhack going to cause any problems with WCS? Or do you have the max speed convar ramped up enough to compensate for sometimes unusual speed differences. Maybe I'm just failing to realize how the plugin actually handles the situation.
    Like this:
    #pragma semicolon 1 
    /* SM Includes */ 
    #include <sourcemod> 
    #include <sdktools> 
    #include <smac> 
    #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN 
    #include <updater> 
    /* Plugin Info */ 
    public Plugin:myinfo = 
    	name = "SMAC Anti-Speedhack", 
    	author = "GoD-Tony", 
    	description = "Prevents speedhack cheats from working", 
    	version = SMAC_VERSION, 
    	url = SMAC_URL 
    /* Globals */ 
    #define UPDATE_URL	"" 
    new g_iTickCount[MAXPLAYERS+1]; 
    new g_iTickRate; 
    /* Plugin Functions */ 
    public OnPluginStart() 
    	// The server's tickrate * 1.5 as a buffer zone. 
    	g_iTickRate = RoundToCeil(1.0 / GetTickInterval() * 1.5); 
    	CreateTimer(1.0, Timer_ResetTicks, _, TIMER_REPEAT); 
    	// Updater. 
    	if (LibraryExists("updater")) 
    public OnLibraryAdded(const String:name[]) 
    	if (StrEqual(name, "updater")) 
    public Action:Timer_ResetTicks(Handle:timer) 
    	for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) 
    		g_iTickCount[i] = 0; 
    	return Plugin_Continue; 
    public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon) 
    	if (++g_iTickCount[client] > g_iTickRate) 
    		return Plugin_Handled;  
    	return Plugin_Continue; 
    ---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ----------

    As you can see it is comparing actual calculation ticks not any actual speeds. This is becuase speed hacks work by modifying client tick data to manipulate the prediction to cause the player to move faster. This is somewhat similar to how a very laggy player can skip around on a map a speedhacker takes advantage of this to exploit a way in the game engine to actually change their location at a fast rate without lagging.

  5. Default

    Completely understand now.

    Looks like a very nice addition so far.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  6. Default

    sv_cheats 0 equals ban?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  7. Default

    This is the current KAC list: (i think)
    //- Blocked Commands -// Note: True sets them to ban, false does not.
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "ai_test_los",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "changelevel",             true);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "cl_fullupdate",            false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dbghist_addline",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dbghist_dump",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "drawcross",            false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "drawline",            false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dump_entity_sizes",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dump_globals",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dump_panels",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dump_terrain",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dumpcountedstrings",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dumpentityfactories",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dumpeventqueue",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "dumpgamestringtable",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "editdemo",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "endround",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "groundlist",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "listmodels",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "map_showspawnpoints",        false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "mem_dump",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "mp_dump_timers",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "npc_ammo_deplete",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "npc_heal",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "npc_speakall",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "npc_thinknow",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "physics_budget",            false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "physics_debug_entity",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "physics_highlight_active",     false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "physics_report_active",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "physics_select",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "q_sndrcn",             true);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "report_entities",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "report_touchlinks",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "report_simthinklist",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "respawn_entities",        false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "rr_reloadresponsesystems",     false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "scene_flush",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "send_me_rcon",             true);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "snd_digital_surround",        false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "snd_restart",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "soundlist",             false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "soundscape_flush",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "sv_benchmark_force_start",     false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "sv_findsoundname",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "sv_soundemitter_filecheck",     false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "sv_soundemitter_flush",         false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo",     false);
        SetTrieValue(g_hBlockedCmds, "wc_update_entity",         false);

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by StarsMine View Post
    sv_cheats 0 equals ban?
    Ban them all! Lol

    Should be sv_cheats 1 correct?

    Also, r_drawothermodels 1 is normal, 2 is wireframe.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  9. Default

    I will try to find out more about that list. See now why I made this thread before turning the shit on lol.

  10. Default

    sv_consistency 1 will allow all custom models unless the files are huge, 2 will drop them off server, of course 0 disables check.

    Lots of people use custom models here, I like to roll default =P

    Some of these SMAC auto bans are default level, like r_drawdecals 1 (bushes, posters on walls, ect). I would hope SMAC would be forcing the option to 1 and not banning because of it, this removes lots of hiding spots if disabled. Would be nice to take the time and test on the server on a per convar basis when people have the time.
    Last edited by Steamer; 07-14-2012 at 01:03 PM.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

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