I entered into the gungame server tonight and was immediately blinded by this admins "blind all" command. I unblinded everyone and he proceeded to do it again laughing while doing it. I kicked him.
I don't appreciate this type of foolishness.
I entered into the gungame server tonight and was immediately blinded by this admins "blind all" command. I unblinded everyone and he proceeded to do it again laughing while doing it. I kicked him.
I don't appreciate this type of foolishness.
Yo Virtus...calm down with admin s privileges....don t act like a fool...do your admin job...as your supposed to.
Thank you
What map was this on? The navigation map for complex is detailed enough to use when blinded. Sometimes we'll play a round blinded for shits and giggles, but this is always voted on. Maybe you came in after the vote?
A NEW HIGH SCORE! What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?
it was just to have some fun, he did it for a few rounds and everyone liked it, there really wasn't a reason to kick him, i mean, you really need to calm down dude.
I've got an idea. Instead of laughing and reblinding everyone, he could have explained the situation. Instead, he acted like a 12 year old and blinded everyone and laughed at me.
You should have been notified. You were right on that one.
Yeah its ashame how there still these 5 years olds obtaining admin powers, and doing stupid stuff like that...could be one of the main reason servers are becoming empty.
that doesn't seem to be the reason in my opinion. the # of incidents has dramatically decreased. if they want to be blind then blind them. if they don't want to be blind then don't blind them. everyone has to be hapy.
Um, this stupid stuff is usually asked for on a map that is getting drawn out. GG is different than pub. if its taking a long time for someone to win the map then the players get bored. The admin will usually do a vote on something to make it a little more interesting...
A NEW HIGH SCORE! What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?