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Thread: spasm ibis.A breaking rules then banning when called out on it.

  1. Default spasm ibis.A breaking rules then banning when called out on it.

    Admin's INGAME name:spasm ibis.A
    You're INGAME name:callo
    Date & Time: 8/14 10:42 east coast

    How did he/she abuse (See TOS):
    he was breaking rule #4 on wcs
    which says objective must be respected and camping is not allowed.

    after i found him and 3 other players camping i told them they have to do objective to which he replied there is no rule on objective. to which i replied read the fucking rules its rule number four and he banned me after i linked it to prove him wrong.

    (wcs rules thread)

    ToS rules broken:

    9: Banning someone should only be used as a last resort to get a player to listen or to remove a hacker.(In other words mute a spammer do not ban him right away.)
    (he just yelled at me about how i'm wrong then banned me when i proved otherwise)
    11:Punishment should be issued in accordance with the server rules topic located in the rules forum
    (could say i wasn't respecting admin but how can i respect someone who breaks the rules hes there to enforce?)

  2. Default

    Demo? Ohh wait you dont have one, and you guys kept rushing. You bitch about EVERYTHING to the point where I mute you every time you are on. You are seriously retarded.


  3. Default

    if you feel the need to talk shit take it to private messages.

  4. Default

    NOW you want to be polite? LOL. Get real.

  5. Default

    Well he didn't say there was no rule on the objective, he stated that there is no rule for a time limit to when you must start to do it, which is correct. Then you began to berate him and fallen for not doing their job by screaming on the mic and isulting them, so no real abuse here. The recording will bear that out.
    I hit Brett right in the feels.

  6. Default

    Seems like a severe case of bawtism. Waitin' on that demo, should be good.

    Tastes like your moms kisses.

  7. Default

    yes it seems many admins do tend to have some sort of miscommunication on the rules.
    i expect everyone on a server to know and follow the rules otherwise whats the point of having them?
    why have admins?

  8. Default

    Please insert the demo. He stated there was no rule for time limit. He never denied the rule for camping, but it was not camping. Additionally, the terrorists were killing CT's across the map and you teleported at the terrorists. If there's action going on, how do you call that camping? And when confronted with the evidence, you were yelling back through the microphone.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by noisypuppet View Post
    How did he/she abuse (See TOS):
    he was breaking rule #4 on wcs
    which says objective must be respected and camping is not allowed.
    Bullshit right off the get go, I was dead. Furthermore you were trying to get me to enforce a rule that doesn't exist, there is no where in the rules that says that you must do the objective by 1:30. In fact don't you think if we wanted the objective done quicker, we would, you know, decease the fucking timer. Idiot.

    Quote Originally Posted by noisypuppet View Post
    after i found him and 3 other players camping i told them they have to do objective to which he replied there is no rule on objective. to which i replied read the fucking rules its rule number four and he banned me after i linked it to prove him wrong.
    More and more bullshit. I never once said that there is no rule on the objective. I banned you for mic spamming and disrespect.

    Quote Originally Posted by noisypuppet View Post
    ToS rules broken:

    9: Banning someone should only be used as a last resort to get a player to listen or to remove a hacker.(In other words mute a spammer do not ban him right away.)
    (he just yelled at me about how i'm wrong then banned me when i proved otherwise)
    11:Punishment should be issued in accordance with the server rules topic located in the rules forum
    (could say i wasn't respecting admin but how can i respect someone who breaks the rules hes there to enforce?)
    You were kicked then I warned you to shut your mouth, you kept it up. Calling me a dumbass and other names is the main reason I banned you, and you have been kicked and banned before in the past for bullshit just like this.
    Spasm <ibis>: i thought mexicans came to murrica not canada
    Spasm <ibis>: :O
    Cyber ibis.a: free dental and health plan ^
    Cyber ibis.a: sry mmurica, u got outbid
    Cyber ibis.a: senor.
    Spasm <ibis>: its not truly free
    Spasm <ibis>: someone pays for it
    Spasm <ibis>: rich ppl
    Cyber ibis.a: exactly
    Cyber ibis.a: canadians
    Cyber ibis.a: i just get the free stuff
    Spasm <ibis>: typical mexican

  10. Default Camping rule.

    Camping is not allowed and the objective should be respected and completed. A lot of times players using human wait till the 1:30 to start moving and proceed very slowly. The time for completing the objective should be shorten because wcs is a faster pace game. Honestly, I can not stand players who use human**cough, cough tom erd... ** cough. and wait till the last minute to do objective, but yet they move super slowly. I feel they are wasting the players time in order to get a better advantage. Sorry to crap on your thread, as for your thread, can you provide a demo? So, an upper admin can do something about this.

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