Trying to organize an event here for CS lover who are going to be playing CSGO for the first time. If you play on IBIS and want to play the game together tonight. Add me up and I will find an empty server and Invite as many as I can to a server.

I have been playing it on/off didn't really get into it as much but I did enjoy it the first time I was playing it. Even though I died a 100 times before I started to get the hang of the gun on there. Its a new experience and would love to help new guy on there.

Few Tip & Tricks:

1. CS:GO is different from CS 1.6 and CSS so be prepared to almost learn a whole new game with alot of new game types.
2. Select your cross hairs: Trust me if you are comfortable with the classic ones try to get them back on ASAP. I found it hard to aim down using the default cross hairs provided on the game.
3. Start by play regular de_dust2 maps and such. As they are the most famous maps that everyone knows about so you'll feel at your home away from home.
4. Gun Game its a fun deathmatch system that they have implemented. If your drunk or high get prepared to die a lot xD. You just have to practice alot with each gun to get the hang of it.