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Thread: hidan no aria

  1. Default hidan no aria

    So, i'm almost finished hidan no aria. and i'm sad. there's only a few episodes...are there any plans to continue it at all?
    it really feels like it's not going to be able to end well.

    if they're not continueing it, are there any shows with similar concepts? the only one i could think of would be gunslinger girl (which i do intend to watch)
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  2. Default

    Yeah, the link to recommendations that Taco provided fills out everything I can ever come up with, and more... whether it's guns, magic, superhuman powers, genres, or character similarities, that link seems to have it all.

    As for a second season, I don't know. In short, some parts of the anime community really dislikes the show and people are saying the sales and ratings weren't good enough for a second season. There's certainly enough material to make a second season (or more), since the light novel is still ongoing... I liked Hidan No Aria and hope for a second season personally, but I can't say my hopes are too high. - anime | manga | reviews

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Bane of Soldiers View Post
    Yeah, the link to recommendations that Taco provided fills out everything I can ever come up with, and more... whether it's guns, magic, superhuman powers, genres, or character similarities, that link seems to have it all.

    As for a second season, I don't know. In short, some parts of the anime community really dislikes the show and people are saying the sales and ratings weren't good enough for a second season. There's certainly enough material to make a second season (or more), since the light novel is still ongoing... I liked Hidan No Aria and hope for a second season personally, but I can't say my hopes are too high.
    what's there to dislike? the only issue i have is the fact that kinji is so ok with riko coming back.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  4. Default

    I really want spoiler tabs to make these posts feel a lot shorter... lol you'll regret asking I overkilled on answering "what's to dislike?"

    I apologize ahead of time for the long wall of text AND the format. I thought it would separate things out better, but it's kinda an eyesore :3

    This post, I'm gonna try and summarize what I read of the MAL's reviews... a version where I try and throw my opinion in to water it down. Kinda more like a rant lol. Although very insightful, I don't like reading online reviews due to the fact that they are ruthless. No different with Hidan no Aria. One word for a lot of these reviews: vicious. Brutal. We get it. Unless you're curious and want to personally experience a pretty decent show (imo) get ripped apart to the point that you feel bad.... I advise not reading the raw hate in those reviews

    • First, I'm going to lay out some truths about these reviews. A lot of them are biased. Well, that's not entirely bad, nor is it uncommon. BUT, the standards that people are ridiculous; like Neon Genesis Evangelion high, or The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya high or Clannad or Azumanga Daioh... and the list goes on. Next, a lot of these reviewers are bitter about overused archetypes, the studio, the harem themes, and some are even bitter about the entire "Rie Kugimiya tsundere" type of character. I feel for some of them, in that some of these things just start to drag (somewhat how I feel about the shows Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukanai and Kampfer), but some people just need to clear their heads, go into a show with a new mindset, ignore the fact that they've seen this scene's setup tons of times already. Even if it's not fresh, it doesn't mean that one should sulk, fume, and spew hate. Nothing really prevents you from enjoying the scene as you did the first time you've seen it. (Well, actually it's a little different, but it's better to ignore it or treat it as an inside joke that you're included in about the industry [I never cease to be amused by the fact that almost every anime has an episode at a hot spring or at a beach lol. I may sound cynical at times, but the universal route to fanservice amuses me]) Hate tends to snowball; once you've set yourself on the path, it's hard to not rip on a show episode by episode. Reminds me of some psychological thing called the "fundamental attribution error"... that humans will attribute a characteristic to another in their memory... something like "a really kind person can be bitchy at times but you only can think of them as bitchy"... but I digress. With that, I shall begin...

    • Another rant-ish. There are huge critiques of shows because of the defiance of physics, critique annoying enough to me that I want to slap them. It's anime for crying out loud. And it's not even sci-fi. (Although sci-fi animes tend to have a bigger "fuck you" to physics, but I digress again). Don't get me wrong. I would hate outright defiance of physics, but when things are as small as this... In Hidan no Aria, it's the weapon-hiding that bugs the reviewers...And another annoying thing. People criticizing the storyline of a very short and limited adaption of an ongoing light novel. Of course, there will be many scenes of fanservice and diversions from the plot; they're out for money and ratings -.- (It somehow worked for the KoreZom series). Although I agree the story was strange in it's inclusion of famous literary and historic names, I just found it to be nice little references to literature (if you don't know me, I absolutely love references, whether it to be other anime, Japanese legend, cultural oddities, etc; love it even more than breaking the fourth wall, situational irony, violent retribution for accidental infringement, and puns). One reviewer was annoyed to the point that he called the plot stupid and ridiculous. Sure there are better plots, but geez, some of these reviewers... way to totally shit on a show. My experience and insight is massively inferior to theirs, but I think these judgements are quite harsh..... the words of mass destruction can be toned down...

    • There are complaints of shoddy animation (may or may not be related to physics complaints) and transitions and what-not, especially during action scenes. I don't remember much of that, it's been eight months for me... I think I might have noticed something a little off (possibly a mind trick from these negative reviews?), but nowhere near horrendous. Then, there was complaints about background music that I didn't take note of... since I didn't notice it, I can say it wasn't magnificent, but it wasn't so amiss that it drew attention or emotion away. Most (not all) 12 episode shows have low-ish budgets/enthusiasm and are mass produced... so if Jun Maeda or Yuki Kajiura or any of those big names aren't on the staff list for music, I say don't be surprised when the background music isn't, music is nothing that would make a show deserving of 3/10... For characters, everyone except Aria gets hammered for being unmemorable, unreal, and flat. I do agree that almost every character is a haze in my mind, but I attribute that to the fact that I can clear 12 episode series in a night or two... as for flatness/unrealism, I will reference the fact that it is a 12 episode anime based on an ongoing light novel...meaning, little character development and service to the fans. Aria gets very harsh words (and I do mean very awful) hurled at her by a lot of bitter reviewers (most being "The Kugimiya Rie tsundere act is old" or "Shana and Louise was better" kind of reviewers). Edit: On second thought, I removed this last portion. I thought about it, and I kinda disagree. If you didn't read it, ignore it and move on

    • Lots of reviews scored it around 3, a number scored 5-7, and one scored 10. It was nice seeing the positive review, but a lot of it seemed like the reviewer was trying to hard and kinda just grasping at about anything. I definitely encourage people to stick with the most positive impression of a show if you intend to be just a person that enjoys watching anime just because, like I do. Some of these reviews are crafted by people who believe themselves to be some sort of anime connoisseur; the common viewer should not be spend the effort looking over the fine details of a show that one doesn't care for.
    Last edited by Bane of Soldiers; 08-20-2012 at 08:26 AM.

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