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Thread: In need of Technical Support

  1. #1

    Default In need of Technical Support

    So, I've been playing on a labtop for the past few months now and it just decided to start acting up approx 4 days ago. Basically - i've been getting a whole 5 seconds of lag in CSS for no reason with a ping of like 8 for example. I don't know the cause exactly, but I've already done the following:

    -Checked my connections (it's a labtop, i know >.>)
    -Checked other users in house (not the problem, seeing how i'd experience this when nobody used the other computers nor were there torrents being DLd)
    -Restarted my Labtop (multiple times)
    -Shut it down completely, wait a couple minutes, then turn it back on (pretty much same as restarting but meh)
    -Ran CC Cleaner multiple times
    -Done a virus scan (nothing)
    -Did a disk defrag

    Specs to the labtop are on here :

    Guess my question is - any solutions to this or suggestions? Yes, I know we are a gaming community but at the same time, I know there's better Computer Wizs out there than myself. - anime | manga | reviews

  2. Default

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  3. #3


    -facepalm- close this and hide my shame? tired >.< - anime | manga | reviews

  4. Default

    Firstly, where did you get a labtop from? Sounds nifty.

    Secondly, did you check your printer cables?

    4) Use admin privileges sparingly and appropriately.

  5. Default

    i'd say test if it happens in any games besides css. if not, cooooooooompletely uninstall that sucker. like until your computer actually thinks gabe newell is cool. then reinstall.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  6. Default

    specs please. It could just be you have worn the shit out of it =/

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Sin View Post
    Firstly, where did you get a labtop from? Sounds nifty.
    This. Where can I get one?!

  8. Default

    Ok is it using an a110 intel CPU or a b960 cpu...
    Either way why did you buy that? I would think your computer is simply unable to keep up with the server. You cant possibly be playing at a decent frame rate even with everything on low. Its great for web browsing, but It would hardly be able to do anything that intensive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  9. Default

    if you ask me, the rig isn't the issue here if it runs fine but with these massive spikes. of course it's not ideal for running css but that shit came out in '04, he should be fine. also since it's been working for some's not the rig itself. it could be:

    IF it ONLY happens in css:
    1. some corrupt data, reinstall would fix
    2. some rate issue, check them
    3. skins? i dunno, try removing them.

    IF it happens in other games as well:
    1. video driver problem, update them, or if you updated recently, downgrade them
    2. network adapter issue, try using ethernet if you're on wireless, or vice versa (also check drivers on this)
    3. ay other driver...those things can be bitches. check chipset, bios version, etc

    if i think of anything else i'll post up here but if it just started acting up, it's not the hardware, it's the software.

    Through the darkness of futures past,
    The magician longs to see
    One chants out between two worlds:
    Fire, walk with me.

  10. Default

    uhm, he is using an intel IGP from a pentium. I could not get HL2 run on the desktop variant. What I did was force dx8 untill it crashed then forced dx9 untill it crashed and back and forth. Thats how I went through HL2 the frist time With everything below low just to tell you.

    His IGP is intel HD, its better then the GMA 950 I tried to run HL2 on but they are slower then the Intel HD 2000. It has the same power as a nividia fx 5600 gpu. That came out in early 03 and was a low/mid end card.

    But yea follow Bretts advice wolf, if that dont work I dont know what will

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

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