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Thread: A admin abuse report

  1. Default A admin abuse report

    Admin's INGAME name: It was strange and hard to read but it said "fuck you phil ibis"
    You're INGAME name: ϟ|GoG|ϟ Darth soul
    Server: Your zombie server
    Map: sorry do not remember the name
    Date & Time: 9/21/12 around 2-3pm

    How did he/she abuse (See TOS): He first accused me of ruining his stuff that blocked a door, But it was my friend. He first slayed me for doing something I did not do. Then when I told him it was wrong for him to accuse me and punish me in that way. He then started to swear at me and used terrible grammar. I have been
    admin on several games and servers for many many years, and I know any admin or mod were to talk like that would be demoted or in extreme cases even banned
    from the server he/she was admin on. I do not ask for he to be banned or even demoted I just wish for him to say sorry for the foul language and that is all.

    Proof: I do not have any screenshots because the admin I am reporting on kicked me when I told him that I was going to have to report for admin abuse. But I know there was wittiness because there was over 20 players on at the time. a few players I remember where "the slenderman", and "Alucard". Like I said under the abuse part I do not wish for him to get in any trouble I just want him to say sorry.

    Thank you so much for reading this and I do wish this is resolved

  2. Default

    pull up the demo from the map located here No proof no case simple Get the evidence or we cant do anything

  3. Default

    Okay so that's his side of it.
    Here's my point of view now. I was making a cade in a building that had three machines in it. The way I wanted to stack it is two right behind one another (vertically up), and one laying down on the side so zombies would either have to jump/crouch to get in, or would miss completely. That was my objective of the cade. NOTE* I entered the cade first, therefore I had cade ownership.
    **Barricade Breaking – Whoever gets into the room first is the sole proprietor of that room, and has the freedom to do whatever he deems necessary to survive. Cade ownership is taken away once the current cade owner leaves the cade and enters another or turns into a zombie. Owners that leave, a short distance, to retrieve additional barracading items, still retain their ownership rights.**

    The file I'm about to upload, I don't know why but my admin talk to everyone (in green) is not showing up on my end. But if you first person spec me (phil.™) everytime i was pausing, i was talking in admin talk telling them to stop shooting the cade (to show them it was an admin telling them to stop shooting my cade, and not just a random person) but when you guys pull it up, it might come up on your end, I dont know.
    If any other upper level admins or other admins, or members check this out to help me out, they all know I CLEARLY give everyone a warning before i slay. I do not slay without warning, and without multiple warnings. with ALL green admin chat, then WHITE in the middle of the screen.

    Anyways, the round pretty much starts at tick 63000, around 63300, his "friend" Alucard tried to throw a nade into my cade, but missed (which would have really fucked my cade up). Around 64000 you can clearly see Garth jump in, shoot down the first vending machine, and everyone else shoot it. Alucard and some other dude got stuck in the vending machine up front, garth moved to the back. SO when i see a vending machine fly from the back to the front... i dont assume it was him shooting... i know it was him shooting it.
    ** Taking props forcefully from another persons cade without consent is prohibited
    Attempting to destroy a barricade regardless of intent:
    To get into the users barricade
    To get out of the users barricade
    Throwing a grenade at the users barricade to spite them, or for personal entertainment. (This does not include accidental grenades; punishment will be left up to the admin to decide)

    I gave this dude many warnings, felt like a slay was proper at the time.

    Now for the swearing and terrible grammar? One, he's being a smart ass. It's a game, people cuss. I cussed afterwards at you because you were trying to say it wasnt you who broke my cade and was continuing to shoot at it, but in fact you were, and i KNEW it was you. And that you were getting mad at me for slaying you because you broke the rules, and you refusing to understanding that you broke the rules, then yeah, i will throw a few f bombs and shit words at you.
    You kept going at it so i told you to chill out, it's done with and over with. chill out now. And then the whole thing was done. I never encountered garth again that map or the following map.

    ULA or anyone else, you can take a look at the uploaded demo after 63000 tick, i did not kick him. if he was kicked, it was by another admin.

    With this, i'm not going to apologize. I want you to apologize to me because I'm writing this thread on your BS lies when I could be watching the steelers game.

    This is long, so if you don't want to read through that again here's key ticks:
    63000 - Round starts
    63300 - Alucard tries to throw a nade into my cade but fails
    64000 - Garth jumps/enters my cades, shoots down vending machine.
    65000+ - I am pausing, telling them to stop. I see more vending machines from the back fly forward. I slayed.

  4. Default

    ULA have nothing 2 do with admin abuse, only clan handle that.

    And I see no abuse.


    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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