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It was a website I had before Jigsaw got the first ibis servers, he asked me if I could supply the fast downloads and some forums. So I integrated it into that website as a start. Later when I took control of the IBIS Servers I also created a new forums here. In addition we used to have an old IBIS Gaming site that was just some pre made theme that you see a lot of other servers use. I eventually made this website from scratch and am hoping to finally release the new version when my big computer is fixed. IBIS Street Syndicate concept was attempted again with another website I made called G37OC.com a G37 owners club it was actually fairly successful and I was very proud of the work I did making the forums and interface/mods. It also had very high Google page rank, unfortuantly my partner never added any content and so there was no reason to actually use the website. Although it may seem a wast of my time I did learn a lot of new things so it was worth it. In addation to those two sites there was also an IBISproductions.com that was made to promote and sell tickets to a play that one of my friends (another founder of IBIS) was directing. We actually sold a significant number of tickets online and that was one of the first websites that I made 100% from scratch. There is also zmtop50.com, yes I am the owner of that website too. I realized there was no ranking site for zombie mod servers and comunities so I decided to make one. It is the same script that ggtop50.com uses except that I have a cool looking theme and some awsome icons that an IBIS member made.
IBIS Street Syndicate was the first real website I ever made and it is always nice to look back at that and see how much I have learned about website design and also how I am still influenced by my first site.