SO Ive never recorded or watched a demo before, but I had a player harassing me a few nights ago and wanted to find the demo.

So i went to the IBIS link of demo's found the one I was looking for and tried to download it. (auto-20150701-011011-aim_ag_texture_city_advanced.dem)

I got this error: Setup file 'gameinfo.txt' doesn't exist in subdirectory 'hl2'. Check your - game parameter or VCONFIG setting.

So I looked around and figured out that I needed to reconfigure my HL2 cache. so I did that.

Now when I try and launch the demo it opens HL2....

ALSO when I am in CSS and type 'demoui' into console and try to open the file (which is in the right spot) it doesnt even show up.

BUT if I open console in HL2 and go to the cstrike, I can see the file, but it says "cannot read" when I try to play it (obviously because its for CSS)

Anyone lol?