Hey just signed up here finally.

A bit about me.

Been around CSS since if first came out. I'm an old fart (44 years old)
Ran my own clan long ago ]LoC[ aka Lords of Chaos
Been part of KHGW aka Knife Happy Gun Whores (I was a server admin, not just an in game admin)
Now in CMG aka Casual Mature Gamers for the last 5 years or so as just a regular member)

I found this server thanks to khgw.Blade.

I work as a Flatbed Tow Truck Operator in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.
I have a wife and 3 step-kids.
I am a member of Kin Canada who raises funds for Cystic Fibrosis and other community charities in Cambridge.

Thanks for reading and see you guys/gals around.

DeFiaNT aka Steve