So I see frequent votes on the server when the majority of players are regulars for a knife only round.
99% of the time the Yes vote wins with over 80% voting yes.
Then when the "knife round" starts some players, who may not know its a knife round, or who may not want to knife, come in and start wrecking everyone that is trying to knife with guns.
I spoke to RAWR about this a bit, and about a plugin that disables all weapons for 1 round automatically.
She brought up a few very good points about it being unfair to players who joined a GG server to play gungame and don't want to lose levels/aren't interested in a knife round and how it could cause players to leave the server.
I understand knife round isn't for all, but I feel if it isn't abused (only 1 knife round per a certain amount of maps) it wouldn't be a problem.
I am interested to see how other admin feel about this, as it was one of the highlights of that shittier tier gungame server everyone used to play on.