Real Name: Shane

In game name: Rosie Odonnell

Born: March 27th

Location: Boone, NC

Weapons of choice: P90, 228, TMP

Maps: Dust, Office, Double Yellow, Sex fix, Penumbra......... Really depends on which server and who's playing.

Reason for app: I have been in the community for awhile, and plan on staying until CSS gos by the way-side. I have noticed that alot of the current clan are like absentee landlords. While I understand that I do not have as long in the community as many other players, I believe that I could help regulate the community as it goes forward.
Experience: Really my CSS experience is limited to IBIS. I got the game on a whim and ZM was the first server that I clicked on. I have speant quite a bit of time in Zm, and would say that is my home server. I moved on to GG, and recently have been playing in WCS. I consider myself a fair admin, and I have the ability to look at both sides of a story. I believe that is needed in Clan members.

Contact info: Steam, or by email @ [email protected]

Additional comments:
I do not expect this to be a quick process, but I had time and thought I would get this out of the way. If i get some +1's then awesome, but if not I can revise and resubmit at a later date if there is any criticism of me.