View Full Version : Illegal Cading Spots

  1. [READ ME] Illegal Cading Spots
  2. zm_hospital_remix - Pipe room
  3. zm_snoopie_711_final_fixed1
  4. zm_hellz_silent_hill (Giant box and cabinet room)
  5. zm_csk_4corners (blue first floor)
  6. zm_little_town (Entire vending machine area)
  7. zm_ghs_officepanic (Closet with Vending Machine)
  8. zm_euronews | Bathroom
  9. zm_wintercomplex
  10. zm_penumbra_extended - Is this illegal?
  11. zm_wintercomplex_b1 the gaint vent
  12. lila_panic_beach_2 (green cabinets)
  13. ZM_KRUSTY_KRAB_A2 (under the map secret room)
  14. zm_abandoned_base_v1 (cage room outside)
  15. zm_neko_garden_hs_v2