View Full Version : DJ MikeyRevile_MN_MPLS....

11-03-2009, 09:39 PM
No idea who this kid is...came in and was being a huge QQ-er. And FU-ing people and shit, didnt really bother me but tons of people were asking for a ban/kick. He was saying he knew admins so dunno any ideas?

11-03-2009, 09:42 PM
He's cool around here, we'll have to get his side of the story and see what goes down and then of course we'll destroy whichever individual we deem to be in the wrong here.

11-03-2009, 09:43 PM
I swear to god mikey I'll kick you in your GI balls if you are acting like a tool in the servers.

11-03-2009, 09:47 PM
even worse he came in pissed a bunch of people off in about 10 mins then left lol

11-05-2009, 08:17 AM
even worse he came in pissed a bunch of people off in about 10 mins then left lol

That is classic shit right there.

11-07-2009, 06:18 PM
We love Mikey!