View Full Version : 1/23/2010, around 1 pm

01-24-2010, 03:32 AM
Name in Game:ed
Who banned you: Dont know...i was in the server for 3 minutes before it happened
When: Earlier on 1/23/2010 (early afternoon)
Where: IBIS GG server
Why banned: No reason

Other/Reason to unban: i have no idea. if you could let me know that would be great. thanks

01-24-2010, 02:37 PM
You should be gtg now. Have fun and play by the rules :)

01-26-2010, 06:04 PM
What did he do?

01-30-2010, 01:31 PM
What did he do?

According to his friend Heavyhitter (sp) he did nothing was new to GG and I saw no other posts ref his offense so I unbanned him although I haven't seen him on but told Heavy he was gtg. I've been looking for him to watch his play and actions but I guess he may have moved on.
No idea who banned him or if was a server ban which seems to ring a bell.