View Full Version : Admin reoccuring subscription

Mrs. Xen_Warrior
05-21-2010, 07:34 AM
Just got the email about my admin about to expire in two days if it's not a reoccuring subscription. How can I tell if mine is reoccuring or not?

05-21-2010, 07:43 AM
If I am not mistaken reoccuring would imply a constent payment once a month like mine. Where 11 smackaroos deposits right from my checking account

Is yours set up that way?

Other wise id have no idea as to why you got that email

05-21-2010, 07:49 AM
It's reoccurring until you cancel your subscription, isn't it?..

05-21-2010, 07:51 AM
It's reoccurring until you cancel your subscription, isn't it?..

That's what ithought may just be a bug? Or xen, you have no moneies in your account lol

Mrs. Xen_Warrior
05-21-2010, 07:58 AM
This is what the email says...

Dear Mrs. Xen_Warrior,

Your access to the paid subscription "Admin" is about to expire.

If you have selected a recurring subscription you will be automatically billed for the renewal, else to renew this subscription you must visit http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/payments.php

If you do not extend your subscription, access will be removed.

All the best,
IBIS Gaming Forums

I thought it was reoccuring too I just wanted to check, I don't want to lose my powers!

05-21-2010, 08:11 AM
This is what the email says...

Dear Mrs. Xen_Warrior,

Your access to the paid subscription "Admin" is about to expire.

If you have selected a recurring subscription you will be automatically billed for the renewal, else to renew this subscription you must visit http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/payments.php

If you do not extend your subscription, access will be removed.

All the best,
IBIS Gaming Forums

I thought it was reoccuring too I just wanted to check, I don't want to lose my powers!

Um I m just gonna need your Credit Card Info/ Social Security and Date of Birth and I will take care of the problem :P

05-21-2010, 08:12 AM
If I remeber correctly there was a lil check box thing in the process where you would choose weather or not you wanted it to be a one time payment or monthly payment

You must of missed that part lol

No worrys

Gl in keeeping god like internet powers =D

05-21-2010, 08:15 AM

But really, if your admin runs out just resubscribe.

05-21-2010, 08:40 AM
keyword in that e-mail is IF you selected reoccurring.

Mrs. Xen_Warrior
05-21-2010, 08:47 AM
im pretty sure its reoccuring bc on the buy page it says Validity periods marked * indicate that purchasing this subscription is recurring, this means after the period is complete it will automatically be renewed.

and when you pull down the drop down menu for admin it has the * next to $11.00/month

05-22-2010, 08:51 PM
If you change your credit card it will cancel or if your credit card expires.

05-23-2010, 12:29 AM
This is what the email says...

Dear Mrs. Xen_Warrior,

Your access to the paid subscription "Admin" is about to expire.

If you have selected a recurring subscription you will be automatically billed for the renewal, else to renew this subscription you must visit http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/payments.php

If you do not extend your subscription, access will be removed.

All the best,
IBIS Gaming Forums

I thought it was reoccuring too I just wanted to check, I don't want to lose my powers!

Its right there....
"Your access to the paid subscription "Admin" is about to expire."
(Your monthly payment is up.)

"If you have selected a recurring subscription you will be automatically billed for the renewal" (Meaning its gonna take out the $11.00)

PayPal is now set up to automatically send this message... Ignore it if you have money ($11) on whatever card is set up.