View Full Version : deep thought

05-31-2010, 11:01 AM
i came to a cruel realization today, as i over heard a man talking about his service in the military. he looked no more then 24 years of age and knew nothing about what an "mos" was. His story consisted of the typical killing and explosions one would lie about to make a story sound more interesting, in his hopes to be "glorified" by the unsuspecting listener

and i immediately thought to my self this.

"glorified for there minuscule efforts, while the ones who have put fourth are cast in the dust"

i feel as though the current generation has a lack of motivation with there lives, that this generation spends more time doing nothing then bettering themselves and others.

the fact that a man, and several other people in our nation have to create story's about there lives to get recognition from strangers, JUST to feel respected is bullshit

story's of any sort come from experience, and how can one experience ANYTHING if they do NOTHING all the time.

get were im going? if not o well

i personally believe that our generation will go down in history as the generation that amounted to nothing. disregarding those who made the effort, the few who applied them selves in there lives

with part of my opinion stated, where do you think we will be as a whole in the next 5-10-50 years

or laugh and think im crazy

05-31-2010, 11:16 AM
ppl have been bull shitting about there lives, and adventures throughout history lol, this isn't something new. I do agree though that our generation is uber lazy.

05-31-2010, 12:29 PM
ppl have been bull shitting about there lives, and adventures throughout history lol, this isn't something new. I do agree though that our generation is uber lazy.

maybe not lazy, but it seems like everything is just so much easier than it used to be. with the advances in tech, increased means of living, life is good. i don't know if it's a bad thing, you just wonder how long it can last.

05-31-2010, 12:51 PM
I heard till 2012... then everything goes 2 shit ^^

05-31-2010, 12:57 PM
i came to a cruel realization today, as i over heard a man talking about his service in the military. he looked no more then 24 years of age and knew nothing about what an "mos" was. His story consisted of the typical killing and explosions one would lie about to make a story sound more interesting, in his hopes to be "glorified" by the unsuspecting listener

and i immediately thought to my self this.

"glorified for there minuscule efforts, while the ones who have put fourth are cast in the dust"

i feel as though the current generation has a lack of motivation with there lives, that this generation spends more time doing nothing then bettering themselves and others.

the fact that a man, and several other people in our nation have to create story's about there lives to get recognition from strangers, JUST to feel respected is bullshit

story's of any sort come from experience, and how can one experience ANYTHING if they do NOTHING all the time.

get were im going? if not o well

i personally believe that our generation will go down in history as the generation that amounted to nothing. disregarding those who made the effort, the few who applied them selves in there lives

with part of my opinion stated, where do you think we will be as a whole in the next 5-10-50 years

or laugh and think im crazy

they could just be trolls.

05-31-2010, 06:08 PM
they could just be trolls.

trolls dressed hjas humans like in hellboy 2? o.O

05-31-2010, 10:22 PM
man. the troll guy in hellboy 2 was fucking awesome! with his cool ass retractable blade thing. and the nazi guy in the first 1 with the blades was pretty bad ass also.
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<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8EY3RxL4vdA&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8EY3RxL4vdA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

06-04-2010, 09:26 PM
Define lazy..

06-05-2010, 12:38 AM
simple lack of self motivation

Edit: lazy: people who play WoW LOLZ

06-12-2010, 10:12 AM
simple lack of self motivation

Edit: lazy: people who play WoW LOLZ

I know people that have steady jobs that play WoW...

06-12-2010, 10:15 AM
I know people that have steady jobs that play WoW...

yeah. wow is a hobby. some people let their hobbies consume them, while others manage them correctly.

06-13-2010, 12:07 AM
yeah. wow is a hobby. some people let their hobbies consume them, while others manage them correctly.

WOW is NOT a hobby. WOW is life.

06-13-2010, 12:18 AM
I playd WOW for about a year... I've always been a huge fan of Rpgs so Mmorpgs were a natural next step...
Honestly to me its the same as us old school players who used to play first person shooters offline (doom, wolfenstien, quake)... and now play on-line first person shooters.

I never let it consume my life and playd it less than Ive play counterstrike... Honestly though after a year I just got bored with it.

That's how a lot of things are... look at drugs and guns.
Some people can handle them... Some People can't.

06-13-2010, 12:32 AM
the last guild I was in when I played had doctors, dentists and pollice officers in it. 90% of the ppl I met and were guilded up with back when I played were adults with kids and full time jobs. a lot of ppl just use wow as there escape. and it doens't take that much time 2 make an end game character and get gear.. they made wow really easy.

but as vlad said, it's about moderation and some ppl just aren't good at moderating shit in there lifes.

06-13-2010, 02:02 PM
id love to play wow but 15 a month is steep, I dont feel comfortable paying more then 10 a month on a mmorpg

yours' truely
06-15-2010, 02:45 PM
his hopes to be "glorified" by the unsuspecting listener direct result of the current and upcoming generations being brainwashed (in a way) by the media. MTV, Reality Shows, Shows featuring famous ppl that have no reason for being famous except being famous, and fashion magazines.

i feel as though the current generation has a lack of motivation with there lives, that this generation spends more time doing nothing then bettering themselves and others. I'm sure that every generation has a felt this before. Could you imagine how the parents of the baby boomers felt when they realized they have spawned a massive amount of offsprings? The economy, housing and entertainment (free-time) were not ready for them. But a few people from the older generation along with a few from the baby boomers created the jobs, housing and entertainment for themselves. I stress the 'few' because they as a generation didn't each do something, it was the few who saw an opprotunity and did something. Most of it was money motivated, and that's not bad, and now we (americans) have a very advanced entertainment district (movies, tv, games), theme parks (not as popular as before) and plenty of housing. They probally felt that their generation was doomed, until they grew old and saw what they did and frowned on the next one. lol.

As far as doing nothing and not betterting themselves.... currently there apppears to be a lack of resourcefulness in the young adults. It's like most of the parent generations just did the minimum in raising their kids and didn't focus as much on preparing them to do things on their own, to go out and figure how to acheive something when they don't have the tools or education, how to rely on themselves. BUT this is obvious in all generations, not just this one.

It just seems like current and upcoming generations are worthless because the media portrays the current american lifestyle as "graduate highschool, move out, get a job/join military/college, party, and overall live on your own resources" when in reality it's "graduate High School, Join military/get loans and grants to go to college, don't move out of parents house because you can't afford housing because you can't find a job and overall depend on your parents for the next 10 years while you go in and out of college... and for those military types that don't go the full 20, get out, go home, can't find a job, live at home for the next 10 years....etc" [very generalized statements].

i personally believe that our generation will go down in history as the generation that amounted to nothing. disregarding those who made the effort, the few who applied them selves in there lives
Understanding that your in the military, you find pride in what you're doing and accomplishing. Many other people find the same with what they're doing... even if it's just waking up on time to catch a show, class or work. While the kid lying about what he did is lame, I feel that you may be overgeneralizing the overall generation for what you as an individual has seen in other people, the media and through word of mouth.

Over all, you are justified in the way you feel because I feel the same way alot of times, but I still have faith in our generation and future ones. Also, the more dumb kids out there, the better the chances I can make a quick buck from them!!!!.