View Full Version : Razor 3G ( or smthn)

08-02-2010, 01:14 AM
Hey everyone,
This is just a warning that a guy with "Razor 3G" in his steam was walling/aim in blizzard today at 1:52 am eastern time...
I went to spec in order to get the demo to perma ban him, but apparently he noticed this and JUST BEFORE I TYPED "STATUS" in console to get his steam id, he left the game (probably felt concious from ppl calling him hack)...
So this is just in case the dumb noobs comes back with same name (unlikely...)
However i did trace back to his steam profile page (which is private) duno if that helps... here it is for now, until i trace his steam id on the gg stats or somehow in the console....

here is the little demo i managed to do before he ran...