View Full Version : Hospital Differences

08-23-2010, 02:46 PM
Soas most of you know I under went surgery for Cancer (or return of the Cancer, to be precise)... And during the lengthy process I was subjected to forms and questions, for which I had to read, answer and sign off on...

Well last night my wife (lacking insurance) had to be taken to the hospital emerency room for the top of her foot becoming strained (And don't ask...)... Well upon entry into the emergency room, she to was asked a chit-load of questions... Well normally I don't pay mind to the question (seeing how retorical they tend to be)... but one question they asked my wife was, "Do you feel safe at home?"...

Now as open minded as I believe I am, I stopped the intake nurse in her steps and asked her to repeat the question... she did, and still I found myself not only taken back, but rather jilted... I all the questions asked of me... Not one of them was to ask me if I felt safe at home...

These question, to me is intrusive and biased... What are they afraid I will say, "No, ma'am, I do not feel safe at home?"... Are they afraid they would have to make it more safe at home before they release me?... I felt jilted... I felt that I was a victim without sanctuary... No one was looking out for me...

And yes I do have a right NOT to feel safe... I could fall down and blacken my eye... Hell, if I were holding a sandwich in my left hand, I feel my right hand would not help me stop my falling, while protecting my sandwich... but does anyone ask me if I feel safe at home... it is just not right... woman, you want eqaul rights, start with equal questions...

08-23-2010, 02:50 PM
Enjoyable rants. :)

The question is biased only due to it meaning diffrent things as you said. Hell im not exactly sure what they mean by it myself? Are they asking is the house itself dangers? the neighborhood? or hell the people living inside your house?

08-23-2010, 03:01 PM
it's like this

wives getting beat by husbands > > wives being beaten by family pets > wives getting beaten by toasters > husbands getting beaten by toasters > husbands getting beaten by wives

Mrs. Xen_Warrior
08-23-2010, 04:00 PM
No, I beat my husband and my dogs....

haha jk :D

08-23-2010, 06:17 PM
They are supposed to ask every woman and child that question. Grown men are subject to not feeling safe at home, but I guess they don't see it that way.

08-23-2010, 08:57 PM
Yes, they only ask women and children under 17. Because let's face it, who gives a fuck if you're a male and getting beaten. I sure as hell don't.

08-23-2010, 10:08 PM
Yes, they only ask women and children under 17. Because let's face it, who gives a fuck if you're a male and getting beaten. I sure as hell don't.

such a warm and caring person loka. you inspire me. truly

08-23-2010, 10:27 PM
such a warm and caring person loka. you inspire me. truly

don't talk to me like you fucking know me.

welcome to a world where men are suppose to handle their own shit. if you can't, go cry in a corner and slit your wrists. if you're a female just accept and hide it. every time a male over 18 would complain about being 'raped or beaten' by someone you'd have people laugh at them. your own male superiority created that culture. now accept it or gtfo.

08-23-2010, 11:06 PM
"Yes, they only ask women and children under 17. Because let's face it, who gives a fuck if you're a male and getting beaten."

Yes because child abuse for young male children isn't bad but rape for young females is.

Before you reply, yes, I know what you mean. I don't care who you are, what the circumstances are, your age, your gender, if you're a retard or if you aren't.. I would never tolerate abuse. I'm not the most emotional person, and it doesn't effect me to see other humans in pain, but that doesn't mean I won't try and get them out of that state.

The purpose of that question is obvious, but the way the nurse said it, in front of her husband.. That really wasn't the smartest idea.

08-23-2010, 11:15 PM
"Yes, they only ask women and children under 17. Because let's face it, who gives a fuck if you're a male and getting beaten."

Yes because child abuse for young male children isn't bad but rape for young females is.

Before you reply, yes, I know what you mean. I don't care who you are, what the circumstances are, your age, your gender, if you're a retard or if you aren't.. I would never tolerate abuse. I'm not the most emotional person, and it doesn't effect me to see other humans in pain, but that doesn't mean I won't try and get them out of that state.

The purpose of that question is obvious, but the way the nurse said it, in front of her husband.. That really wasn't the smartest idea.

If you don't like it then petition it. I have worked with male rape victims over the age of 18 who got laughed at by male policemen and told them and I repeat "suck it up." This is why males over 18 hardly have any show of statistic in abuse or rape. Rape of a minor is totally different, did I actually say it was okay? Did I not type males over 18? Or did that skip beyond your means of comprehension? How about you work with rape victims and people of abuse before opening your mouth? Because I've done it for 2 years and most of the ones I dealt with were males who got raped by their father, uncle or brother, and clearly... are more sensitive to it than females.

The nurse was right in asking even if he was there. Nurses did it with me while my father was with me in the ER. He wasn't offended by it. I only see someone getting uptight over a question like that if there is a reason to get uptight about it.

08-23-2010, 11:34 PM
This should get good.

08-23-2010, 11:35 PM
I'm sure as hell amazed people with Asperger's can grasp the multi quote function quite well.

I stand by my point. Like I said, if you feel so offended that a nurse won't ask you that question after you turn 18 or for that matter ask you in front of your wife who apparently hurt her leg (don't ask btw lol) then petition it. Because after you're 18 and a male, you're pretty capable as a man of handling your own. BTW, more gay men are susceptible of abuse than straight men.


08-23-2010, 11:38 PM
because gays are pussies?!?! Is that what your getting at?

08-23-2010, 11:42 PM
I'm sure as hell amazed people with Asperger's can grasp the multi quote function quite well.

I stand by my point. Like I said, if you feel so offended that a nurse won't ask you that question after you turn 18 or for that matter ask you in front of your wife who apparently hurt her leg (don't ask btw lol) then petition it. Because after you're 18 and a male, you're pretty capable as a man of handling your own. BTW, more gay men are susceptible of abuse than straight men.


Cool story, bro.


08-23-2010, 11:56 PM
What the fuck, is it just me or is almost everyone here getting pissed off at each other?

08-24-2010, 12:12 AM
What the fuck, is it just me or is almost everyone here getting pissed off at each other?

Shut the fuck up blade. This is cereal.

Well actually, it sorta is...

How are you blade?

08-24-2010, 12:22 AM
what the fuck, is it just me or is almost everyone here getting pissed off at each other?

why won't you love me like you used too blade!!!!!! Where is the drive? I miss you hunny.

08-24-2010, 05:39 PM
in other words since you don't have insurance is it ok to send you home so we can have a room open for people who do is what they are asking.

08-24-2010, 08:40 PM
in other words since you don't have insurance is it ok to send you home so we can have a room open for people who do is what they are asking.

Edited my original statement because I think you're kind of slow, so i feel bad.

08-24-2010, 09:01 PM
Edited my original statement because I think you're kind of slow, so i feel bad.

What else do you expect from Squidward?

08-24-2010, 09:03 PM
What else do you expect from Squidward?

For him to play his clarinet badly?

For him to get mad at Spongebob?

For him to be a recluse?

For him to suck ass?

For him to be a loser?

For him to be a bad person?

I think you all get my point...

08-24-2010, 10:23 PM
Hey... When an MS patient makes love... does their face turn normal during orgasms...?