View Full Version : my detailed troubleshoot, help

10-25-2011, 05:16 PM
This weekend my pc died on me to which in return would not start. After a few hours of tinkering with connections my baby booted back up again. This to me at first, was just a hiccup until two days ago it happened again.

What occurred before the crash: it was 4am about an hour before work when I decided to log on to a game called vindictus to manage auction house sales. When I started loading the game I got an error which asked if is like to report the bug. I said no and tried again like any gamer would. After trying again I got the same error and immediatly after the bsd.

What's wrong: upon starting my pc, my graphic cards revs at highspeed. Like the fan is at100 percent, my led lights come on, my hard disk light remains of, I get no monitor display my cdr drive works 50%, and my keyboard gets no power, yet I can charge my phone and external hard drive with USB connections.

My trouble shoot: before losing all hope I deep cleaned all parts and tried to boot. Nothing

I then removed my gpu and turned my pc on, waiting for my hard disk to boot, knowing by the light indicator on my pc case. Nothing

I then proceeded to start my comp with one missing part in exception my mobo CPU andmemory sticks. Still nothing.

I have a feeling it is a fried mOtherboard but am unsure and could use some more insight. If it is the motherboard what are your opinions on its possible replacment for a coolermaster case. I was looking at the Asus sabertooth, but am unsure if an AMD CPU would work well with it.

10-25-2011, 05:18 PM
you know we have a pc tech talk thread right?

10-25-2011, 05:33 PM
Im aware of that but im hoping for more immediate help by posting a specific thread involving my current dilemma.
Reason being I'm not sure exactly why I need to replace and if I can find out with help before the 31st newegg has a ton of no shipping fee deals.

10-25-2011, 05:47 PM
Check your PSU fooo!

From before what you said about your CPU heatsink... maybe ya fried that...

Honestly sounds like PSU troubles.

Edit: PSU = Power Supply Unit...

10-25-2011, 05:53 PM
Check your PSU fooo!

From before what you said about your CPU heatsink... maybe ya fried that...

Honestly sounds like PSU troubles.

Edit: PSU = Power Supply Unit...

I guess that explains why it seems my gpu is raging and why my disk drive and usbs are in consistent in distributing power. That could also be my mono.

If it matters my PSU is an xfx, 750w

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------

Check your PSU fooo!

From before what you said about your CPU heatsink... maybe ya fried that...

Honestly sounds like PSU troubles.

Edit: PSU = Power Supply Unit...

I guess that explains why it seems my gpu is raging and why my disk drive and usbs are in consistent in distributing power. That could also be my mono.

If it matters my PSU is an xfx, 750w

Is there a specific way to test and see if its my PSU?

10-25-2011, 06:06 PM
Get an old PSU or ask a buddy and plug that in to see if it boots.

10-25-2011, 06:09 PM
Or fries his... not likely... but not impossible.

10-25-2011, 06:49 PM
sounds like a PSu problem, mostly because it looks like its not distributing the power to the right places. you're +12V rails are working but its not supplying power to your mobo. does your CPU fan start up or just your GPU fan?

10-25-2011, 06:53 PM
I've had problems in the past with the PC not starting and it was overheating.

Make sure that CPU's got some thermal glop on the bottom of that sucker.

10-25-2011, 07:14 PM
my led lights turn on, GPU fan runs obnoxiously high, seems like the back panal USB ports dont get any power but the ones on the front of my case do, my cd-rom drive will open but immediatly close shut down then work again, my CPU fan works fine, all other internal fans work fine as well. And yes ell, i re thermaled my cpu

10-25-2011, 08:04 PM
Mobo or PSU.

Will go with the latter.

Things may half-ass work with a blow PSU, but you risk damaging even more components if you keep playing with it.

Get a new or old or borrow a PSU, or get a PSU tester, try it...

Still broke? Get a new Mobo.

Build a new PC... for that matter.

10-25-2011, 08:20 PM
Yea. PC parts as so cheap nowadays.

Whenever my computer goes on the fritz every 2-3 years, I always spend WEEKS ordering/returning parts and never can figure out. In the end I just throw up my hands and say FUCK IT and get a new MOBO, RAM and CPU. You can get a pretty beast MOBO/CPU combo nowadays on newegg for about 300 bucks. Add in another 150 for ram and you're up to $450. Not too bad, and eventually when you have time you can fiddle with the old parts and find a use for it.

I took some old PC parts and slapped together something that I use for basically just a Netflix/Skype machine. Actually, I don't even use it for netflix anymore now that I have a laptop with HDMI.

Speaking of HDMI, anyone ever try one of those wireless video setups where you can send the video from your laptop to a receiver hooked up to your TV?

10-25-2011, 08:31 PM
if everythings turning on but not booting up, then its one of 2 things: your CPU is fried, or your mobo is fried or both. can you at least make it to the BIOS?

10-25-2011, 08:39 PM
If it starts to boot then power goes out its the PSU or MOBO or CPU is fried. You're better off probably just starting from scratch.

If it boots, but just goes black, I'm willing to bet it's a corrupt hard drive. That was the last problem I had with my puter a couple years back. Something just totally fucked over my hard drive.

10-25-2011, 08:51 PM
if everythings turning on but not booting up, then its one of 2 things: your CPU is fried, or your mobo is fried or both. can you at least make it to the BIOS?

not even the bios boots up, which lead me to belive that it was my mobo to begin with. Previous times when my comp did this, i just reseated my cpu and messed around on my MOBO and it would work again. ITs not working now. I was saving for a mobo and cpu replacment here anyways.. but replacing just my mobo can do for now

if i replace my mobo id like somthing under 200$ that can fit in my Coolermaster storm case. New egg has a deal of the ASUS Sabertooth, but im not sure if its worth the buy or if a AM3+ will even fit in my case.

10-25-2011, 09:10 PM
His powered components are not working properly.

Check you PSU first. If it isn't working properly the rest wont work anyhow. IE: Not properly supplying the CPU with power, not booting.

On the otherhand it could be the mobo burning out. I myself wouldn't consider the CPU as of now considering the other power related problems you are having.

Again... Check PSU then continue on to mobo....

Yes an AM3+ setup will fit in that case. No do not get it, bulldozer is shit, go with Intel. If your gonna rebuild it, build it right and to last.

10-25-2011, 09:30 PM
His powered components are not working properly.

Check you PSU first. If it isn't working properly the rest wont work anyhow. IE: Not properly supplying the CPU with power, not booting.

On the otherhand it could be the mobo burning out. I myself wouldn't consider the CPU as of now considering the other power related problems you are having.

Again... Check PSU then continue on to mobo....

Yes an AM3+ setup will fit in that case. No do not get it, bulldozer is shit, go with Intel. If your gonna rebuild it, build it right and to last.

My CPU is an AMD it wont work in an intel MoBO right?

10-25-2011, 09:32 PM
He is just saying if you plan on replaceing the Mobo, might as well replace the CPU to
AM3+ is not a good buy due to the not so great performance out of bulldozer. But if your current CPU is AM3, its your choice to stay with whatever you have or to upgrade

10-25-2011, 09:32 PM
what case you have? you said the storm, but is it sniper, scout, or enforcer?

my scout was just brought down by my dad this evening, along w/ the rest of my components...all except the ram and hard drive that he managed to forget...fml

10-25-2011, 09:43 PM
Simple test:

Power up just the motherboard and it should give you an error that there is no cpu. Then put a cpu in it and it should give you an error that there is no ram. Then put ram in it and it should give you an error no gpu. Put a gpu in it and it should work. Now if:

Motherboard did not produce an error in any of these steps it is broken.
If the motherboard gives a cpu error when the cpu is in than it is bad
If it gives ram error when ram is in the ram is bad
If it gives gpu error when the gpu is in the gpu is bad
If nothing occurs the psu is bad

You should run the psu on a psu tester which you should own b.c they are only like $10 and are important for figuring out where your problem is.

10-26-2011, 05:55 AM
your pc all ready took a shit and you said my msi parts were shit i love msi and my msi build is running strong still and yours is what? oh not running. just had to give you shit on hatin on my build yeah seems to be a psu probblem in my mind oh wait forgot i am to much of a drug addict retard to know what i am talking about lol

10-26-2011, 07:06 AM
your pc all ready took a shit and you said my msi parts were shit i love msi and my msi build is running strong still and yours is what? oh not running. just had to give you shit on hatin on my build yeah seems to be a psu probblem in my mind oh wait forgot i am to much of a drug addict retard to know what i am talking about lol

I'm.sure you will feel like a moron when I tell you its my mother board. If not then me telling you it was an MSI motherboard should do it. cleary you are misguided

And aco its the scout as well.

Edit. So now that I'm replacing my mobo is love to take some specific suggestions on what I should replace it with. Under 250 and needs to work well with an AMD x6 1050t.