View Full Version : Major League Gaming (MLG)

11-22-2011, 09:23 AM
Anyone a member and/or active? I just joined:


Does IBIS participate? I'm thinking of exploring MLG a bit in terms of competing or just attending the events to see how they are. They have a bunch of leagues for different games like SC2, LoL, CS, CoD, BF3, etc.

Who wouldn't want to win money for gaming their face off. :wtg:

11-22-2011, 11:48 AM
MLG is mainly a console gaming league similar to GameBattles. If you're looking for good PC Gaming leagues look into, CEVO, but especially ESEA. MLG has been around since Halo2, but ESEA and CEVO have taken the reigns that CAL/CPL held onto for years and that the CGS tried (and failed) to takeover.

EDIT: Oh I forgot, none of the leagues guarantee that you will make any money, and you actually have to pay to play in them. If you're looking for a way to get a quick buck for playing CS:S then look into BattleEmpire.net. They are actually legit I just don't enjoy having to go with checks being mailed to me rather than it being through paypal like it was in beta.

11-22-2011, 12:21 PM
MLG is mainly a console gaming league similar to GameBattles. If you're looking for good PC Gaming leagues look into, CEVO, but especially ESEA. MLG has been around since Halo2, but ESEA and CEVO have taken the reigns that CAL/CPL held onto for years and that the CGS tried (and failed) to takeover.

EDIT: Oh I forgot, none of the leagues guarantee that you will make any money, and you actually have to pay to play in them. If you're looking for a way to get a quick buck for playing CS:S then look into BattleEmpire.net. They are actually legit I just don't enjoy having to go with checks being mailed to me rather than it being through paypal like it was in beta.

Neither of those sites are ranked well enough for me to consider them seriously. Are you sure they're good? MLG's stats and activity are better than all of those combined and then some. Also, it only seems like MLG is mostly console because a pc game is "cross platform" where Xbox, PS3, Wii and other console games aren't.

Not really looking for a quick buck but actually competing in an esport sounds fun.

11-22-2011, 12:25 PM
Trust me. Some of the people who play in MLG are borderline INSANE. Two of my good friends were in MLG during the Halo2 rush. They were by far the best I knew but they didn't do so well against some of these no-lifeing pros.

The closest I ever got to pro was during the Quake III years as I was a damn good deathmatch player.

11-22-2011, 12:28 PM
Trust me. Some of the people who play in MLG are borderline INSANE. Two of my good friends were in MLG during the Halo2 rush. They were by far the best I knew but they didn't do so well against some of these no-lifeing pros.

The closest I ever got to pro was during the Quake III years as I was a damn good deathmatch player.

So you're saying go with the easier network? Lol



You're probably right though...

11-22-2011, 12:37 PM
i follow LoL in mlg. ps, TSM won mlg providence

11-22-2011, 02:18 PM
Neither of those sites are ranked well enough for me to consider them seriously. Are you sure they're good? MLG's stats and activity are better than all of those combined and then some. Also, it only seems like MLG is mostly console because a pc game is "cross platform" where Xbox, PS3, Wii and other console games aren't.

Not really looking for a quick buck but actually competing in an esport sounds fun.

It really just depends what game you're looking into getting competitive in, and if you're looking into getting serious about it. You can fuck around with 3v3 team in LoL, have a good time but most likely get rolled over if you don't practice daily and come strats/counter-strats and builds/counter-builds.

Competitive E-Sports require A LOT of no-lifer time, unless you're already a well-known player within the competitive community, who can hop onto any team that gives you an offer.

When it comes to LANs, MLG is where it's at in North America right now. They are definitely the closest to what CPL was doing, and if they continue to give pay-outs on time then they will continue to be the best.

For Online league play: Gamebattles (console) = ESEA - CEVO (PC)
For invitation LAN play: MLG (console/some PC) = ESEA - Intel Xtreme Masters (PC)

It used to be that if you won the playoffs for your region in any given game during any given season in Gamebattles, then you were invited to the MLG LAN Tournament. Before that, MLG had qualifiers in different regions completely on LAN. I'm not sure how it is now but it sounds like MLG has really stepped up their game where PC Gaming is concerned, as they along with CEVO are the only credible leagues to support BF3.

But I digress, what game are you interested in playing competitively?

My interest is piqued.

11-22-2011, 02:39 PM
But I digress, what game are you interested in playing competitively?

My interest is piqued.

I don't consider myself a pro but my best genre would be FPS like CS (PC), Black Ops (Xbox) and eventually BF3 (PC). I'm willing to check out LoL and Dota2 but I'd need to work more on those versus FPS games. I'm not sure how I'd do in SC2, it's been a while since I've played that kind of game. I'm open to others.

I'm not a no-lifer but I don't think you need to play 10 hours a day to be the slightest bit competitive.

11-22-2011, 02:54 PM
Throwing the word "competitive" around may come off the wrong way. By "competitive" I mean having a variety of different skill sets.

Yeah the regular player may have a good shot, utilize sound, comprehend and control recoil effectively, but throw that regular player into a competitive setting and they will most likely be outplayed every time.

Learning angles, choke-points, nade/flash spots, wallbang spots, the patience to hold a spot, communicate EFFECTIVELY (not just blurt out THEY'RE HERE), "game sense", team chemistry, money management, flick shot vs. spray encounters, etc... those things are all developed over time, now how much time depends on the player. Some people just have the talent for it, which is good, others spend hours and hours and hours no-lifing the game of their choice until they get most of the shit down pact. Granted they'll always have more to learn with constant game updates, new maps, etc...

Bottom line is, we should start a CS:S team and fuck around in scrims.

11-22-2011, 03:09 PM
Bottom line is, we should start a CS:S team and fuck around in scrims.

I'm down. :wtg: