View Full Version : Reserve Slot

02-11-2012, 10:15 PM
How long does the reserve slot take to activate?

02-11-2012, 10:17 PM
6 months

02-11-2012, 10:37 PM

Next map change as long as you made your account with the correct steam ID.

02-11-2012, 10:42 PM
I added my steam account just like the directions said, and the map has changed. Is there a delay with paypal?

02-11-2012, 10:43 PM
you have to keep in account tho,
many of our players are loyal regulars, and they mostly all have reserved slot.
So IN THE EVENT that all 20 players in a server all have a reserve slot, it's first come first serve.
your reserve slot will only kick people who dont have a reserved slot obviously, and admins have priority over reserved slots.

so in the event any of the above happens, now you know. (just in case u become one of those constant people bitching about their reserve slot not working sometimes, just in case:P)

02-11-2012, 10:45 PM
All 20 seems a bit unlikely! I was on not but 15 min ago and half the people I've never seen. Is there anyway on this website to verify if I have it or not?

02-11-2012, 10:51 PM
well yeah , all 20 being regs is probably unlikely everywhere else, but on ibis, the server is soo gd that our loyals want to guarantee their presence here...
that said, check your paypal account, if the payment was in deed sent (not pending approval from ur bank account) then only zero can confirm or deny it working or not...
but it usually should kick in after payment + map change... keep in mind nothing will change from your point of view, you wont get a message from Gandalf the Grey on your screen screaming "YOU SHALL <now> PASS!"

02-11-2012, 11:20 PM
In your profile there is a section that says subscriptions on the left side.
Check there. There are delays at times with Paypal itself.

02-11-2012, 11:22 PM
Thanks for all the help. I'll check on the paypal thing.

02-12-2012, 12:29 PM
IT should be working from what I can see. Remember that it is usually not that the server is filled with people who can not be kicked it is more likely that people are flooding the connection slots trying to get in. This is why in the case of the zm server there are 3 connection slots so that 3 users can try to join at the same time when the server is full.

02-12-2012, 03:53 PM
Thanks Zero.

02-13-2012, 12:34 AM
Just tried logging in a few times with the server at 20/21. Kept getting dropped for slot reservation. I tried it over about a 5 min period just to make sure there wasn't anyone else attempting to get in at the same time. Suggestion?

Jackie Marlow
02-13-2012, 12:46 AM
Just tried logging in a few times with the server at 20/21. Kept getting dropped for slot reservation. I tried it over about a 5 min period just to make sure there wasn't anyone else attempting to get in at the same time. Suggestion?

02-13-2012, 05:21 AM
I think what jackie is trying to say , its that a 20\21 is a full server. The last slot it's for source Tv. U were probably trying to connect to a full server, which brings us to the first post i made above...Zero once compared the slot reservation to being a fireman.Naturally if there's a fire in the server, the fireman can tell someone to gtfo and replace them.Now of there was a big fat fuck stuck in a door ( too many reservations or connections trying to fit in), then it wouldnt matter if u were a fireman or not, the priority would be to trying and remove that fat fuck from the doorway.Ps: i think zero was drink that day, but still works by me!

02-13-2012, 09:31 AM
I think what jackie is trying to say , its that a 20\21 is a full server. The last slot it's for source Tv. U were probably trying to connect to a full server, which brings us to the first post i made above...Zero once compared the slot reservation to being a fireman.Naturally if there's a fire in the server, the fireman can tell someone to gtfo and replace them.Now of there was a big fat fuck stuck in a door ( too many reservations or connections trying to fit in), then it wouldnt matter if u were a fireman or not, the priority would be to trying and remove that fat fuck from the doorway.Ps: i think zero was drink that day, but still works by me!


the comparison was to a club. if you have reserved slot, it's like being a vip. the bouncer will kick someone out to let you enter. however, sometimes a fat guy gets stuck in the doorway, and you need to wait for the firemen to cut his fatass out. the fatass is someone with a slow connection, so they take up the spot while connecting, preventing you from getting in.

02-13-2012, 06:30 PM
Alright I have to be honest this reserve slot thing doesn't seem to be legit. I sat for about 8-10 min repetitively trying to log in to the WCS server at 20/21. Every time getting "Dropped due to slot reservation". Finally the server dropped down to 19/21 and I was able to get in. And the map hadn't changed mind you. As soon as I got in I asked how many people had a slot reservation. While I only got about 2 people to reply yes, about 6 people replied no. So that raises the question of why couldn't I get in with several, and more then likely over 70% of the server, was being used by none slot reserved players? The more likely thing here to me, would be that there is no slot reservation or that maybe it isn't setup right. :mad: My pay pal says transaction complete and I have setup my account as instructed on this site. I have been a huge fan of the IBIS WCS for several months and have gotten to know some of the veteran players very well. I truly appreciate the work Zero has put in, and for the most part have been very happy playing on IBIS servers. However this slot reservation thing really seems to be a scam and/or not in proper working order. I could see once in a blue moon actually not being able to get in to the server at 20/21, but not every time over the last several days. If there is a way to resolve this I'd appreciate it. If not could you please let me know how to cancel this subscription. Thanks for you time.

02-13-2012, 06:57 PM
you cancel subscriptions that you've made with paypal, via your own paypal. has nothing 2 do with us.

02-13-2012, 06:58 PM
Admins have reserved slot too. So if one of them are stuck in connection your waiting also. The res slot works fine. Ask other players. Works great for me - the times asshats get stuck in connection. I think your getting a bit of bad luck buddy.

02-13-2012, 07:53 PM
I had one for the longest time until i got admin for a few months and i have not renewed it, trust me there is a difference with having one.

02-13-2012, 07:59 PM
I had one for the longest time until i got admin for a few months and i have not renewed it, trust me there is a difference with having one.

Admins' slot reserv is way stronger (in the event that someone was hacking and needed to join asap.)

i agree with steamr, u probably have had bad luck...
did u check in ur subscription feed to see if it's active?...

02-13-2012, 10:28 PM
I found the problem and fixed it. For some reason your steam id did not sync to your account in the server properly. I am very sorry for the delay but your slot should work correctly now :wtg:

02-13-2012, 10:36 PM
see guy... no need 2 get all upset and think ibis is some global money scam ^^, enjoy your reserved slot.

02-15-2012, 12:19 AM
LOL I was far from angry. I just knew it wasn't working. Thanks for all the help.

02-15-2012, 10:32 PM
Working 100%