View Full Version : Who are you voting for to become the president?

02-27-2012, 06:05 PM
I don't even live in the states, live in Canada, but some of the roles of the u.s influence us so I have to be involved.

I see only 1 person the media is trying to ignore and get rid of, RON PAUL, the only guy who wants to bring the troops back, the only guy
who wants to go back to the constitution . RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!


02-27-2012, 06:28 PM
I don't even live in the states, live in Canada, but some of the roles of the u.s influence us so I have to be involved.

I see only 1 person the media is trying to ignore and get rid of, RON PAUL, the only guy who wants to bring the troops back, the only guy
who wants to go back to the constitution . RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!


Id rather put my trust in a consistent president. Regardless if i agree or disagree, so long as i can trust his future choices based of his agenda now and prepare appropriately for them. There is only one clear candidate who would actually make a difference for this country and in this country then any of the other jokers running for office now. Ron Paul 2012!

he wants the power to take away his power and distribute it back to the people.

brett friggin favre
02-27-2012, 06:34 PM
i want someone who's not afraid to go against his party to make a decision. ron paul comes closest to this.

Penis シ
02-27-2012, 06:40 PM
How does isolationism benefit our economy? How does getting rid of regulation make the market stronger? If you take the founding fathers on their bare words, you have misogyny. That was the norm back then and I'm ALL about the constitution but things have changed. Companies, since America was founded used children to climb into their machines and forever disfigured them without the disability benefits or settlements for the children. Companies used paints that KILLED people. Companies used insulation that is STILL killing people.

America from it's foundation was made with room for improvement. There are ALWAYS oversights, so breaking the system to its bare bones do NOT benefit us. That is why I refuse to give Ron Paul my support. The ideas he has sound GREAT, but will never come to fruition and he will be a lame duck President if he were to be elected. Instead, we're left with two grumpy old men and a "cheerful" one. Let's take a look at that, there are candidates with no morality, no substance, no grasp on christian values, no grasp on American values, no mercy, terrible business ideas, and then there's Santorum.

I could write books on how bad Santorum is (I'm from Pennsylvania). He bankrupted our state and ruined education here for years. He voted for No Child Left Behind, and intervened with government decisions about a private manner. He extorted the state for Charter School Vouchers while homeschooling his children. He moved OUT of the state while serving in it's senate. When he moves into the White House, he's likely to lead it from Canada at that rate.

This leaves me with my candidate. President Barack Obama. A man that has done more things that were left unsung or unpraised in 4 years than we've seen from any president since Lincoln. Look it up, Lincoln almost lost re-election because Americans felt he was betraying them. During his first term, America SPLIT. He was threatening to bankrupt the economy by REMOVING their source of cheap labor. He ran on a platform of "We can't backtrack progress and I'm the only candidate to stay the course". It was what America needed then, and it is what America needs now. Look him up on Politifact. He kept a LOT of his campaign promises. The ones he broke were earmark promises that we couldn't afford to support. Better than that, check out his In The Works page. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/rulings/in-the-works/

Most of his accomplishments wont be recognized for another 2-10 years and when they are, he will be praised. That is why there is still Hope and he is my candidate.

02-27-2012, 06:58 PM
If Paul does not get the nomination then Obama. I will never vote for the other three.

02-27-2012, 07:26 PM
I'm voting for Ron Paul hands down. As a military member, I completely agree with everything he supports. I was for Newt Gingrich because he's a badass, but I realized that's not a reason I should vote for someone who's going to run the country for 4 years.

02-27-2012, 07:28 PM
I agree entirely with male genitals here. Obama for 2012.

Jackie Marlow
02-27-2012, 07:28 PM
Obama. Pussy democrats like to concede that this guy is a failure but compare him to most other presidents and you see a pretty extraordinary rate of success in pushing through his agenda.

Bitch and moan about the deficit, but it's
A) Dishonest to say he greatly increased the deficit without acknowledging that past administration faked their numbers by not counting military spending
B) He had to cave on the Bush tax cuts, but he WILL let them expire in 2013 and you will see the deficit numbers drop

Don't get me started on de-regulation. The GOP consistently runs on pro-corporation agendas and none of that has trickled down to the rest of us in 30 years.

And if I see another picture of Ron Paul giving the Constitution shock paddles, I will fucking anally fist that person until they like it. He's a gynecologist.

brett friggin favre
02-27-2012, 07:38 PM
Obama. Pussy democrats like to concede that this guy is a failure but compare him to most other presidents and you see a pretty extraordinary rate of success in pushing through his agenda.

Bitch and moan about the deficit, but it's
A) Dishonest to say he greatly increased the deficit without acknowledging that past administration faked their numbers by not counting military spending
B) He had to cave on the Bush tax cuts, but he WILL let them expire in 2013 and you will see the deficit numbers drop

Don't get me started on de-regulation. The GOP consistently runs on pro-corporation agendas and none of that has trickled down to the rest of us in 30 years.

And if I see another picture of Ron Paul giving the Constitution shock paddles, I will fucking anally fist that person until they like it. He's a gynecologist.

all i care about obama is this:

he doesn't keep his promises. what the fuck is a president if he can't keep his promises to his people?

Jackie Marlow
02-27-2012, 07:40 PM
all i care about obama is this:

he doesn't keep his promises. what the fuck is a president if he can't keep his promises to his people?

you see a pretty extraordinary rate of success in pushing through his agenda.

If you want a guy who will keep every talking point he makes, just don't vote at all.

02-27-2012, 07:48 PM
If you want a guy who will keep every talking point he makes, then vote for Ron Paul

He has been advocating for the same shit for 25 years+ not once changing his mind or taking back what he originally said. Integrity is a trait this man has, obama has lied deceived and is slowly turning this country into a warmongering welfare state.

Jackie Marlow
02-27-2012, 07:57 PM
He has been advocating for the same shit for 25 years+ not once changing his mind or taking back what he originally said. Integrity is a trait this man has, obama has lied deceived and is slowly turning this country into a warmongering welfare state.

Warmongering welfare state? LOL.

The best reason to not vote for Ron Paul is because of his agenda.

Yes, let's make the public school system even worse. Let's let social darwinism play out - the poor can die in the streets if they can't find a job that will afford them the ability to buy into an insurance plan. Trust in Jesus Christ and the free market. That's basically Ron Paul's whole schtick. If the rich keep getting richer, it's because they're awesome and they'll eventually throw everyone else a bone - as opposed to hoarding all their cash while skimping on payroll and benefits.

Whatever, my bank account grows with Ron and shrinks with Obama. I should be voting for Ron, right? Vote for the Ron Paul oligarchy.

Penis シ
02-27-2012, 07:58 PM
all i care about obama is this:

he doesn't keep his promises. what the fuck is a president if he can't keep his promises to his people?


Only 63 broken promises. Most of them to do with earmarking for things he believes needs funding, but we cannot afford to fund right now. He was stalled on 67 promises he tried to keep but was swatted down with. What is impressive is that he's kept 168 promises and has passed timed legislature on another 156 promises. If you count his compromises as political victories, he has an AMAZING record. If not, he's still either kept of started the ball with 64% of EVERYTHING he has promised.

02-27-2012, 07:59 PM
I want the person who supports most of what I believe in and that is Ron Paul. He shares in my view of a limited federal government that operates under the laws of the constitution and not the political flavor of the month.

As far as obama I see no ideological difference between him and FDR and Wilson. These people are Fascist and these ideas have already been destorying our nation for almost 100 years. Continuing it will only make things worse.

02-27-2012, 08:35 PM
I like what Ron Paul has to offer, and I also hate getting into political debates, but to sit on your computer and believe that Obama is actually doing something positive or constructive or has a 'plan' is just ignoring the world around them.

02-27-2012, 09:20 PM
Since Obama's inauguration our national debt has gone up 10 TRILLION dollars.

Since George Bush (Jr.) was in office, 8 years for those who don't know.. national debt went up almost 5 trillion.

Obama may be trying to change things, but he's only making them worse.

'nuff said.

02-27-2012, 09:29 PM
If it wasn't for social programs, like welfare, and medicaid, I'd probably be homeless, or working at McDonald's with no health insurance. And If I didn't have health issuance, I'd be dead, I'm pretty certain about that. That's why I want universal health care, people get sick, good people get sick, why let them die? No one should have to choose between paying rent, and paying medical bills.

I, however, was able to get up again, and attend a large four year university. I have a 4.0 average. I never was on welfare because I was lazy, or I did crazy drugs. It's because bad things happen to good people. The question is let those people die? Let those people get lost in the system?

I HATE people who abuse welfare, like fat hos who have more children then they can afford just for more welfare. Or lazy people who sit on their ass smoking crack from welfare money. I personally want to slit all their throats, and feed their corpses to pigs. I think you should be drug tested before you receive money, and I believe that there should be a limit on welfare money that doesn't depend on the amount of children you have. I also think there should be a reasonable time limit to stay on welfare, only wavered if you can prove you need more time to get back up on your feet again, and you have EARNED that extra time.

I do have some classical liberal ideology, and I will admit Ron Paul has good ideas. But there's a very BIG difference between what sounds good and looks good in your head, and what is actually practical. I think if corporations were given free range, they would NOT do the right thing. I think they would become more greedy then they ever have been.

Also as woman who identifies as bisexual, I'm at a loss for getting a job, and keeping a job, if corporations don't support equal rights. Last month I was in Washington DC lobbying for several bills. ENDA, and The payment fairness act, along with others, but these are most relevant. ENDA would make it so gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders could be protected from discrimination in the workplace. Payment fairness act would ensure equal pay for equal work. Woman make far less than men do in the workplace, and it's complete bullshit. I wish I could make a man into a woman, only for a day. I'd set him up with a job interview. Then turn him back into a man, have him interview for the same job,and see how different the experience was.

I'm VERY intimidating. I'm loud, I am demanding, I demand respect, and when I walk in the room I make it known. I'm highly opinionated, and I don't back down. It also helps I'm almost six feet tall. Plus I belch like a truck driver, which my dad screams at me for not being 'lady like'. None of these things is what is expected from a woman. But that's me. That's a turn off for a lot of men, and employers. Why? Because we have such set-in-stone-ideas of what woman, AND men are "supposed" to behave like.

Why would I vote for Obama because as a minority, and a woman, he does what's in my best interest. I also believe everyone deserves a fair playing field.

/end rant

02-27-2012, 09:36 PM
Since Obama's inauguration our national debt has gone up 10 TRILLION dollars.

Since George Bush (Jr.) was in office, 8 years for those who don't know.. national debt went up almost 5 trillion.

Obama may be trying to change things, but he's only making them worse.

'nuff said.

Most of the debt Obama had to put the U.S. into was to save the declining economy BECAUSE of the 8 years of rampant stupidity.

Anyways, in my opinion Obama has us on the right track and he'll be getting my vote. People expected change to happen instantly, but he had to do so much damage control it was ridiculous. If Obama doesn't win, I truly hope that Ron Paul gets elected, because if Mitt Romney wins...I'm moving to Canada.

Bane of Soldiers
02-27-2012, 09:36 PM
Less regulation for corporations? Mhmm even more insect filth that's allowed into my food: http://www.fda.gov/food/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/guidancedocuments/sanitation/ucm056174.htm

Ever read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle? Shit's disgusting too :wtg:

02-27-2012, 09:37 PM
Less regulation for corporations? Mhmm even more insect filth that's allowed into my food: http://www.fda.gov/food/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/guidancedocuments/sanitation/ucm056174.htm

Ever read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle? Shit's disgusting too :wtg:

Good read highly recommend it to any one also watch food inc, its on netflix.

02-27-2012, 10:18 PM
Welfare is a flawed idea and it defeats the point of a person becoming a dependant, honest, hard working citizen. Free handouts are not free.

02-27-2012, 10:20 PM
Welfare is a flawed idea and it defeats the point of a person becoming a dependant, honest, hard working citizen. Free handouts are not free.
don't you mean independent?

02-27-2012, 10:26 PM
don't you mean independent?

Yes *independent replied via phone.

Furthermore, seeing has how a majority of your rant was about healthcare and how obama is doing such an amazing job, read this!!! http://freebeacon.com/trashing-tricare/
he truly is an amazing person, truly.....

He has done and plans to do more damage to our service men and women then bush did by sending us to war.

edit: Also, id like for one of you obama lovers to link me to a quote or video of ron paul saying he would give corporations free reign above the constitution and these extra benefits above the people.

Penis シ
02-27-2012, 10:37 PM
So you're pissed that he's making an attempt to balance the budget? I get it, you got healthcare when you joined the service, now he's taking pressure to cut the budget and you have to go from $30 dollars a month to $200 a month for your healthcare. Also, they're comparing the costs for top of the line healthcare. I pay $150 a month for my run of the mill $500 copay insurance.

No disrespect to the troops, but when your own household can't balance the budget, you get canned vegetables, one-ply, and turn the heat down a notch. You can't bitch when the government can't afford their bills but want to make cuts.

In respect to the 10 trillion dollar deficit increase, that was actually bad book-keeping by Bush. He didn't factor in the cost of the war because we didn't have to start paying for it yet. Obama was handed a disaster and a near defunct checkbook then criticized for not fixing the problem in 3 years completely.

02-27-2012, 10:41 PM
i see it this way people blame president after president but in all reality its the senators and congressmen who make up the choices. Yes the president has the choice to veto but he can even be easily over ruled. I believe the party system was the worst thing that ever happened to our government(I believe even George Washington mentioned it). That be said my current choose is the one that wants to stir up congress and Ron Paul seems to be the one to do that.

Let me ask everyone Who there Senators and Congress men are ?
Senator: Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker
My District congressman: Jimmy Duncan
So if you want change stop bitching about presidents and make sure your Congressmen and Senators are voice your opinion like there suppose to.

02-27-2012, 10:48 PM
So you're pissed that he's making an attempt to balance the budget? I get it, you got healthcare when you joined the service, now he's taking pressure to cut the budget and you have to go from $30 dollars a month to $200 a month for your healthcare. Also, they're comparing the costs for top of the line healthcare. I pay $150 a month for my run of the mill $500 copay insurance.

No disrespect to the troops, but when your own household can't balance the budget, you get canned vegetables, one-ply, and turn the heat down a notch. You can't bitch when the government can't afford their bills but want to make cuts.

In respect to the 10 trillion dollar deficit increase, that was actually bad book-keeping by Bush. He didn't factor in the cost of the war because we didn't have to start paying for it yet. Obama was handed a disaster and a near defunct checkbook then criticized for not fixing the problem in 3 years completely.
Soldiers give up there lives plus more for this country, so it only seems right for them to give up even more, right? Instead of cutting from something universal, he specifically cuts from soldiers health programs but neglects to cut from DoD services? Its like a big middle finger and 4played ass fuck to every soldier who has risked there lives for this country. there is a reason we want ron paul.

Its not about people being broke because the government made them, or corporations took all dem moneh. its about those people who are crying for free shit to learn how to be financially responsible. If i have a problem due to a mistake or irresponsible act on my part.. i hold my self 100% accountable, i dont get all squishy democrat and beg for social programs.

Jackie Marlow
02-27-2012, 10:50 PM
i see it this way people blame president after president but in all reality its the senators and congressmen who make up the choices. Yes the president has the choice to veto but he can even be easily over ruled. I believe the party system was the worst thing that ever happened to our government(I believe even George Washington mentioned it). That be said my current choose is the one that wants to stir up congress and Ron Paul seems to be the one to do that.
The next major congressional election cycle will see the return of more moderates. Moderates on both sides are the ones who get things done because they're willing to negotiate and find common ground. All Ron Paul would bring would be more stalemates. He's way too far right.

02-27-2012, 10:52 PM
The next major congressional election cycle will see the return of more moderates. Moderates on both sides are the ones who get things done because they're willing to negotiate and find common ground. All Ron Paul would bring would be more stalemates. He's way too far right.

Far right? have you even watched any of his debates or read about his goals?

02-27-2012, 11:01 PM
The next major congressional election cycle will see the return of more moderates. Moderates on both sides are the ones who get things done because they're willing to negotiate and find common ground. All Ron Paul would bring would be more stalemates. He's way too far right.

I understand that if he gets elected chances are none of his ideals would not come to pass since the opinion of the president does mater much in legislation when is over ruled, but I would hope to send a message to our government is we want an overhaul of the system and to Fix our own affairs before trying to change other countries.

Secondly I havent heard a common ground between anything in our government in a long time. Its always been which party has the majority. And Nothing ever gets solved

Jackie Marlow
02-27-2012, 11:01 PM
Far right? have you even watched any of his debates or read about his goals?
Yes - and you got from all of that that he's...More liberal than Mitt Romney? What?

02-28-2012, 12:42 AM
And if I see another picture of Ron Paul giving the Constitution shock paddles, I will fucking anally fist that person until they like it. He's a gynecologist.


Penis シ
02-28-2012, 01:30 AM
My district is a republican; Rosemary Brown, I voted for her.

My senator is Robert Casey. Lol I remembered the Casey, I had to google his first name.

And Mikey, YES I'm asking you to sacrifice more. Our country is on the brink of self destruction. I'm paying more in taxes, paying more for gasoline, I'm volunteering time to help those in need and I'm giving back more than I can afford myself. We are ALL required more. When we became an independent country, the citizens themselves picked up arms. Not a military, a CIVILIAN militia. One made up of the people for the people. Several of them sacrificed EVERYTHING and they had NO cushion. No pay, no health insurance, no meals from the government, just the promise of a better tomorrow for their children and so on.

We are at a turning point in the country. EVERYONE has to give more. When Obama wanted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood, I stood behind him. When he wanted to cut several other faux pas programs I stood behind him. There ARE people that NEED welfare. My mother was one of them. And then she finished college and I had a better life. It helped her be independent while she finished her studies and moved on to her career.

There ARE more things that can be cut, social security needs to be bumped up to 70 or even 75. (It was a program designed for people that lived BEYOND life expectancy to continue being able to fund their lives and not starve to death when they COULDN'T work any longer.)

Wasteful spending (The F-22 raptor for instance was cut) NEEDS to be cut. We need to get out of Iraq AND Afghanistan, we need to STOP stockpiling nukes, we need to decommission MORE of them so we don't waste money on the upkeep.

But I'm not saying to PICK one. I'm saying find the corners and cut them. We don't need people crying that they aren't getting free healthcare. And if you say Obamacare is free healthcare, you're full of shit. Obamacare is regulation on the insurance industry and the people in order to cut MORE government cost when it comes to saving lives. If you go to the hospital and can't pay your bill, NO LONGER should it fall on the government's shoulders to pay the bill. If you have AIDS, you should NOT be dropped by your insurance company.

If you want to bitch and moan that you're not getting it as easy as you were, build a time machine and go back to that point, if you can man up and make the sacrifices that everyone else is making, then make them. Tomorrow is a brighter day, but we can't get there without doing, today, what needs to be done.

brett friggin favre
02-28-2012, 02:20 AM
ya know what...i give up. i fucking give up on politics. i'll keep up to date with shit as much as i need to keep my own ass out of the fire, and anyone else can just. i'm gonna give whatever i give to society, i won't expect shit in return, but at least i'll know i tried and i didn't waste my time bickering endlessly about it. i'll be myself and THANK GOD that's a decent person, and i just won't concern myself with political horseshit til it knocks on my doorstep with a fist-shaped dildo and that dirty look in its eyes. at that point, maybe i'll do something that involves politics but ultimately: i don't agree with any single politician, my one vote doesn't have any value outside the historical and sentimental value which i personally put pretty far down on the totem pole, and most importantly it's like trying to have a conversation on the origin of species in an alabama tabernacle or a conversation about anything logical in the zmod server. WASTE OF EVERYBODY'S TIME. politics are the appendix of our society: long ago, in a galaxy far far away, it had a use...but we (and most importantly, politicians) forgot what it was long ago. i mean seriously, what the fuck is the honest, decent citizen to do when he has to try to help his country and all he has to work with is people who STUDY HOW TO ARGUE? i figure out how to solve problems, build shit, make things, and they study how to disagree. da fuck is that shit? so yep i'm done with politics. done voting, done arguing, done with this senseless circle jerk and if anyone has anything to say about it;


02-28-2012, 03:42 AM
I'm voting for crab people!


Penis シ
02-28-2012, 04:09 AM
ya know what...i give up. i fucking give up on politics. i'll keep up to date with shit as much as i need to keep my own ass out of the fire, and anyone else can just. i'm gonna give whatever i give to society, i won't expect shit in return, but at least i'll know i tried and i didn't waste my time bickering endlessly about it. i'll be myself and THANK GOD that's a decent person, and i just won't concern myself with political horseshit til it knocks on my doorstep with a fist-shaped dildo and that dirty look in its eyes. at that point, maybe i'll do something that involves politics but ultimately: i don't agree with any single politician, my one vote doesn't have any value outside the historical and sentimental value which i personally put pretty far down on the totem pole, and most importantly it's like trying to have a conversation on the origin of species in an alabama tabernacle or a conversation about anything logical in the zmod server. WASTE OF EVERYBODY'S TIME. politics are the appendix of our society: long ago, in a galaxy far far away, it had a use...but we (and most importantly, politicians) forgot what it was long ago. i mean seriously, what the fuck is the honest, decent citizen to do when he has to try to help his country and all he has to work with is people who STUDY HOW TO ARGUE? i figure out how to solve problems, build shit, make things, and they study how to disagree. da fuck is that shit? so yep i'm done with politics. done voting, done arguing, done with this senseless circle jerk and if anyone has anything to say about it;


That is, without a doubt, the smartest thing I've ever heard when it comes to politics.

02-28-2012, 04:09 AM
personally, i'm voting for morpheus. because we are zion! AND WE ARE NOT AFRAID!!!

yeah, i'm really fucking tired

02-28-2012, 05:15 AM
personally, i'm voting for morpheus

Crab People > Morpheus

02-28-2012, 06:39 AM
My district is a republican; Rosemary Brown, I voted for her.

My senator is Robert Casey. Lol I remembered the Casey, I had to google his first name.

And Mikey, YES I'm asking you to sacrifice more. Our country is on the brink of self destruction. I'm paying more in taxes, paying more for gasoline, I'm volunteering time to help those in need and I'm giving back more than I can afford myself. We are ALL required more. When we became an independent country, the citizens themselves picked up arms. Not a military, a CIVILIAN militia. One made up of the people for the people. Several of them sacrificed EVERYTHING and they had NO cushion. No pay, no health insurance, no meals from the government, just the promise of a better tomorrow for their children and so on.

We are at a turning point in the country. EVERYONE has to give more. When Obama wanted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood, I stood behind him. When he wanted to cut several other faux pas programs I stood behind him. There ARE people that NEED welfare. My mother was one of them. And then she finished college and I had a better life. It helped her be independent while she finished her studies and moved on to her career.

There ARE more things that can be cut, social security needs to be bumped up to 70 or even 75. (It was a program designed for people that lived BEYOND life expectancy to continue being able to fund their lives and not starve to death when they COULDN'T work any longer.)

Wasteful spending (The F-22 raptor for instance was cut) NEEDS to be cut. We need to get out of Iraq AND Afghanistan, we need to STOP stockpiling nukes, we need to decommission MORE of them so we don't waste money on the upkeep.

But I'm not saying to PICK one. I'm saying find the corners and cut them. We don't need people crying that they aren't getting free healthcare. And if you say Obamacare is free healthcare, you're full of shit. Obamacare is regulation on the insurance industry and the people in order to cut MORE government cost when it comes to saving lives. If you go to the hospital and can't pay your bill, NO LONGER should it fall on the government's shoulders to pay the bill. If you have AIDS, you should NOT be dropped by your insurance company.

If you want to bitch and moan that you're not getting it as easy as you were, build a time machine and go back to that point, if you can man up and make the sacrifices that everyone else is making, then make them. Tomorrow is a brighter day, but we can't get there without doing, today, what needs to be done.

its a shame really, how you haven't understood it yet. A soldiers biggest risk is death or severe injury, so increases our healthcare quadruple in costs? its makes no sense and it is a direct attack. To say that a person hasn't already given up 5 times more then you have for joining the armed forces and risking there life for this country is absurd and you are an insignificant being for it.

the end of your post, i could of swore you were talking exactly about what ron paul wishes to do with this country. Its a shame your to close minded to accept his ideals. How are you "Giving more" how have you contributed to this country cause quite frankly, i havnt seen jack shit for normal civilians. Here i am, getting ass fucked by every fucking angle to help YOU!!! how fucking dare you say i should get nose, ear, and eye socket fucked as well.

02-28-2012, 06:41 AM
I heard there was a political argue about the Dutch euthanasia law and that a Dutch guy from rtl 4 had to explain how we Dutch people looked at it because they thought we where angry or so.

02-28-2012, 06:49 AM
Furthermore, the people who take this country for granted should be the people we cut from. America has never been a place that harbors the weak and fuels a persons inadequacies for there life time. We built this country on a concept that you work for what you want, you fight for what you want, and you fucking get it because that was what you want. If people like you pulled up there big boy pants and started acting like a battle hardened man, we could fix this country quicker by cutting from shit programs like welfare and the "Super liberal pansy ass hippy give a way fest for the weak" programs. stop worrying about other people and worry about your fucking self. If somebody rots on the side of the road because he or she chose to be a meth addict, i dont give a fuck. They weren't helping our country, and neither are the people abusing the previous programs i mentioned.
But who am I kidding, social programs that compensate for individuals lack of judgment and responsibilities isn't a waste of money At all, but rather funding for the well being of hard working citizens and national defense is.
edit: on a side note. I can only imagine if crab people ruled the world!!!!!!!!!!!

Penis シ
02-28-2012, 09:54 AM
I made a solid attempt to serve my country Mikey, I was a boyscout for years, I tried going into the navy. Scored a 98 on the ASVAB. Then the doctor said I couldn't because of some bullshit injury to my arm from when I was 6. I shattered the elbow and it never set quite right. So I wasn't found physically fit.

02-28-2012, 10:01 AM
I made a solid attempt to serve my country Mikey, I was a boyscout for years, I tried going into the navy. Scored a 98 on the ASVAB. Then the doctor said I couldn't because of some bullshit injury to my arm from when I was 6. I shattered the elbow and it never set quite right. So I wasn't found physically fit. I wont agrue that they are very selective. Right now its even worse due to the funding and national debt.

At the end of the day you and me both know this argument regarding politics could last tell we are old grumpy men. It might behoove us to both save face and leave it at that. I repesct your opinion though I absolutely disagree on some of the matters. It dosnt really matter as long as indviduals advocate for change, as they wish to better our country. The only issue people have is how to go about doing so.

Jackie Marlow
02-28-2012, 05:33 PM
Furthermore, the people who take this country for granted should be the people we cut from. America has never been a place that harbors the weak and fuels a persons inadequacies for there life time. We built this country on a concept that you work for what you want, you fight for what you want, and you fucking get it because that was what you want. If people like you pulled up there big boy pants and started acting like a battle hardened man, we could fix this country quicker by cutting from shit programs like welfare and the "Super liberal pansy ass hippy give a way fest for the weak" programs. stop worrying about other people and worry about your fucking self. If somebody rots on the side of the road because he or she chose to be a meth addict, i dont give a fuck. They weren't helping our country, and neither are the people abusing the previous programs i mentioned.
But who am I kidding, social programs that compensate for individuals lack of judgment and responsibilities isn't a waste of money At all, but rather funding for the well being of hard working citizens and national defense is.
edit: on a side note. I can only imagine if crab people ruled the world!!!!!!!!!!!

You can keep going on and on about liberal social programs but Obama has, in fact, cut welfare spending and will continue to cut welfare by his last year of his first term by over $100,000,000,000. Of the $882,000,000,000 spent by the federal government on medical aid, less than half goes to welfare and about 60%+ goes to senior citizens. This number continues to grow. Pensions for senior citizens is over $700,000,000,000 for 2011 and growing across the years.

Hospital and medical care for veterans? $49,600,000,000 in 2011. $52,300,000,000 in 2012. $58,700,000,000 projected by 2016. This falls under the umbrella of the overall military budget, which is almost $1,000,000,000,000 for 2011. This number drops by $640,000,000,000 by 2016 projections.

Deficit numbers for 2011: $1.6 trillion. Deficit for 2012 after spending cuts and end of wars: $1.1 trillion. Deficit for 2013 after Bush tax cuts expire and assuming economy doesn't improve at all and no additional cuts are made: $767 billion. Deficit for 2014: $644 billion.

What this means to me is that this country needs more than overall cuts in spending. It needs an overhaul of the health system, which began in 2009. It needs less spending on defense contracts for Lockheed Martin and Boeing and more spending on restoring our foreign intelligence agencies. It needs higher taxes for the people who can easily afford it, especially for the wealthy. The top 10% didn't all of the sudden start working 5,000% harder than the rest of us since 1982 - the game was just rigged in their favor via deregulation and relaxation of their tax bracket.

The country also needs to lower corporate taxes but actually collect taxes at that rate. The corporate tax rate is about 30% but large corporations don't even pay 10% a lot of the time. A corporate tax rate of 16%, paid by all companies, would immediately slash the annual deficit. Small businesses end up getting hammered, though. So, large corporations don't pay taxes and the smaller guys they compete with have to pay too much in taxes. And you wonder why the Koch brothers support the GOP?

Just awful.

02-28-2012, 07:30 PM
If you want a guy who will keep every talking point he makes, just don't vote at all.

Agreed. Exactly what I'm doing.

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ----------

Welfare is a flawed idea and it defeats the point of a person becoming a dependant, honest, hard working citizen. Free handouts are not free.

Your a fucking idiot. As far as service members... There really needs to be a cutback, then you wouldn't be facing so many orders, healthcare, and pay cuts. 80% of my friends are in some form of military service, I frequently visit them at their bases, and also do my job within many of said bases and government buildings. The amount of waste (labor, item, financial) is utterly fucking ridiculous.

IE: Pallets of unused LCD screens, over a year old.
Pallets of 100$+ laptop cases just tossed in dumpsters.
Members of active services doing absolutely shit.
I've seen janitors work harder.
There is soooo much more I could list.
I'm not bashing our military service members at all, there could be plenty of restructuring and dept relief going on though. The government cash flow I see wasted on a weekly basis is not understandable with our current economic downfall.

Penis シ
02-28-2012, 07:34 PM
At the end of the day you and me both know this argument regarding politics could last tell we are old grumpy men. It might behoove us to both save face and leave it at that. I repesct your opinion though I absolutely disagree on some of the matters.

Agreed, I'm done and over with it. The talk is VERY informative in both the points that affect us every day AND that it makes us study and re-evaluate ourselves and our opinions, but that's why I have a 10 minute rule on political talks, anything over 10 minutes just gets ugly.

02-28-2012, 10:19 PM
maynard this srs thread behave or I'm not giving you a treat!

03-04-2012, 05:20 PM
guess im late but if i could vote Ron Paul, since many of you have again been diverted from the big issue mostly being foreign policy and monetary policy. its pretty funny how a lot of you dont get it still

Fluffy Frufflebottoms
03-04-2012, 07:58 PM
America has never been a place that harbors the weak

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

One day, Mikey, you'll be poor, and you'll be out of a job. That day you'll start hating yourself both for what you were, and for what you are.

03-04-2012, 08:08 PM

I'd vote for this guy.

03-04-2012, 08:36 PM

03-04-2012, 10:26 PM
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

One day, Mikey, you'll be poor, and you'll be out of a job. That day you'll start hating yourself both for what you were, and for what you are.

all i could think of was

"Now you will recieve us! We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim! It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood, 'till it rains down from the skies! Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace! These are not polite suggestions. These are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost! There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, into true corruption, into our domain. For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three and on that day YOU WILL REAP IT! And will send you to whatever god you wish."

03-04-2012, 10:52 PM
fuck homama... anyone that tries to infringe on our constitutional rights should catch a slug.... also anyone who is anti-gun is simply retarded...

Penis シ
03-04-2012, 11:09 PM



Not getting rid of guns.

03-06-2012, 08:13 AM
Ron Paul, he is the only one that will get our country back on track. No one disagrees that we should not try to help the American people in times of need however there are ways to do things that do not destroy the nation in the process it is for this reason that the founders took a lot of time to create rules that if we followed would lead to the best results. It is when people started to view these rules as a "charter of negative liberties" that we got into trouble. Many of the US leaders over the last 100 years have viewed the constitution this way. Not as something that should be our guide to preserving freedom but instead a set of rules in the way of their personal agenda. We have let a wild animal out of its cage so that it could better protect us, instead we have had our house turned to ruin our land salted and our future destroyed. Rather than put the animal away we continue to try to tame it however at the end of the day "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! It is a dangerous servant and a terrible master" We have let the wild flame engulf not only our nation but the entire world. We must take action to get our government under control because a fire, once let lose, will burn everything before it finally goes out forever. Let us put out these fires of madness and restore the torch of FREEDOM so that the fire of government once again fits within the palm of the hand so that any man may bear it.