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Thread: Blocking Problem

  1. #1

    Unhappy Blocking Problem

    On ZM maps like ATIX helicopter some people are on purpose blocking other people on ladders and other places. This is happening on almost all ZM maps and it is getting sometimes half or more of the CT team tagged. To make this all worse their are people who are not getting punished for blocking teammates. I think that this can all be fixed if we allowed people to be able to go through each other would fix all this. I do not know why this has not been done yet but if there is a good reason to keep blocking enabled then we should at least start thinking of ways to find and punish people who are doing this so we can deter it from happening. On this thread I am hoping that people will finally take this problem seriously. For proof just look at any demos of a zombie mod game on this server.
    Last edited by thecat; 11-09-2012 at 08:48 PM.

  2. Default

    blocking is illegal and any admin is to slay them without warning. If theres no admin on then make a ban thread if the person keeps doing it and or just add an admin on steam and ask them to do their job. You can add me if you want if you have any problems

  3. Default

    really? without names or demo's? nobody, not even me, with the most time in my hands, will watch for people like that. report it with a name or atleast a demo if you want to address this issue. if you atleast had a name, i could stand up for you. blocking shit will happen, and i'm sorry if you got caught, but report it with name or atleast demo next time.

  4. #4

    Default Chewbaka

    CHEWBAKA has blocked me and others many times. This all happened on ZM crazy city at 11/8/12 8:50 pm
    Attachment 6504
    Phill I would like to know how I can get CHEWBAKA's STEAMID and real ingame name. His ingame name also has special characters in it and I can not remember them.

  5. Default

    there on rulebook, simple as that. My profile on steam has all links to everything you need to know.and don't complain when u get slayed or kicked or banned of u never have took the time to read the rules.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  6. Default

    Thanks for that info thecat. Although your story is some what not consistent anymore. You said people were blocking in zm_atix helicopter, now you pull up a demo for zm_citycity. If he was purely blocking to get people turned to zombies, go and put it in a Temp Ban thread ( If your story was more consistent with the zm_atix heli, I would have followed through and done something, but... yeah, your story is not consistent.

    You can find their STEAM ID and their real In-Game name by typing sb_status in console (I believe its that command), and that should bring up everyone's STEAM ID and real in-game name.

    After I finish some paper work at work this morning and when I have some free time, I will go ahead and check this out though for you. CHEWBAKA has been warned couple times for breaking server rules, I wouldn't be surprised if you did put a temp ban thread on him and he did get banned.

  7. #7


    ZM atix helicopter was just an example and I do not remember last time I played it so I was not able to get the right demo. But I do remember the last time I got blocked and that was on ZM crazy city and that is why I used that demo and called out CHEWBAKA not someone else.
    So lets get the record straight I started this forum to start raising some awareness of this problem and maybe get admins to start taking this seriously instead of telling me to shut up actually doing something when I give them a name not to temp ban anyone. And that is why this is not on a temp ban thread.
    Anyway thanks for the help phill I will show you more demos of this happening and I will put this info on the temp ban thread right after I get the current ingame name of CHEWBAKA and his steamID and his ban record and the specific rule he has broken and maybe more evidence. I think that it is time to make a example of CHEWBAKA. Maby a 1 week ban would get the memo through his thick skull.

  8. #8


    Here is a demo of yourworstplayer blocking me on ZM urban downtown final.
    Attachment 6509

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