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Thread: Ping masking and one of the easiest ways to spot it.

  1. Lightbulb

    Kicking people from the server who legitimately have low ping is at best ignorant and at worse borderline retarded. Here is the sequence of steps admins should take when dealing with this "issue":

    1. Press Tab during gameplay and observe player pings.
    2. If a player with a <10ms ping is spotted, observe the player for lag, and listen for other player complaints about this individual lagging.
    3. If lag is present, ask the player to fix their rates; kick them if they do not comply, ban them for one hour if they do not comply and continue to rejoin the server after being kicked. If lag is not present, leave the player alone.

    It seems like some of our admins don't mind skipping step 2, blindly following the rules instead of interpreting them and applying common sense.

  2. Default

    also for reference

  3. Default

    I dont recall banning you. And the time you had <5 I apologize, it seems the net code was changed as valve often does. And what I recall when you were playing it would go below and get stuck even if your ping went above 45. So I dont know what is going on there with you exactly, but something is wonky there. But as I said in the post above yours valve seems to fucked it up. I also recall that after I kicked you, it did not go below 5 until the next map.

    Even if you have 20ms ping to the servers, the tab should show 5. and it does for everyone. even if you play on the server the tab ping is shown as 5.
    But since you are not causing any magic bullet shit, Im going to put you up as some sort of glitch.
    Last edited by StarsMine; 04-13-2013 at 10:23 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  4. Default

    I had the same problem before I was an admin I was accused of ping masking all the time I live in richmond,va and D.C is usually 5-20ms for me all the time watching for lag is all you can do and if you are kicked or ban I would just tell them where u leave and to be aware of the distance and they should look more closely before doing it again but kicking because of low ping is not a way to detect if you are ping masking -_-

    Rage at the Paper More!

  5. Default

    Just wanted to point out that from my test ping below 5 should still not be possible or is it...

    Here you can see me playing on the same pc as the server and then playing while being the server. In the case when connecting to myself my ping is 10 and latency is 5. When playing while being the server itself my ping is 0 and latency 1. So it would appear that valve had removed or changed the hard limits likely dependent on leerp setting more than anything as the server forces min and max values for rate, cl_updaterate and cmd_updaterate.



  6. Default

    soooooooooo... yeay or nay or the minimum 5 ping threshold for non-ping maskers?

    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: when they see this they can change that rule. you were banned for 1 hour for not listening
    Bruce Dern: i'm gonna go get admin while i'm there so i can ban people for no reason
    Bruce Dern: 11 dollars a month is it?
    Bruce Dern: yup, gonna do that
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: not a smart idea
    Bruce Dern: you seem to think it is
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: like i said i banned you for not listening the demo shows that
    Bruce Dern: that is my ip
    Bruce Dern: search where its from
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: go post your thread in ping masking section to get this resolved
    Bruce Dern: how long am i banned for?
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: 1 hour
    Bruce Dern: all servers?
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: yes
    Bruce Dern: wow
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a:
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: post there
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: then if you feel i banned you for no reason go to the admin abuse section
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a:
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: there
    5LB Gummybear ibis.a: and create a post
    Bruce Dern: well im gonna get this resolved another to spasm and steamer and get ur admin revoked
    Bruce Dern: and relliks
    Gummybears is doing his job Bruce. I don't see how you could get his admin revoked for NOT abusing, and for doing his job. lol...

    And i really don't like the way you threaten of buying admin and using it poorly. By all means though, go for it. More money for the servers, and it would be my very privilege to perma ban you if you went all the way to admin abuse this way.

    Take a chill pill and wait-out the results of this thread, because unless you're accusing Spasm and Steamer of being full retards, then i can't see how they could jump the shark on this like you did lol...
    Started from bottom. Now we here. <IBIS>

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    Trying to hack in IBIS is like trying to kill someone in a police station, not the best idea...

  7. Default

    oh that was all definitely in anger lol....i most likely will not buy admin now that all this is here for reference and proof. also, as several people have stated before, it must be something that valve or steam has done to change my latency because i was previously (a few years ago i used to play sporadically in ibis, and i would get around 10 latency. i have not changed anything since then (well aside from getting a new isp (went from comcast to verizon). have not changed any settings (except set my rates to server specifications) or done anything. i usually don't get any shit for it (or at least when i do, i tell people my circumstances and they leave it at that, because in the end i am not lagging and am fairly easy to kill :P)
    edit: i also appreciate all that you admins do here, and definitely understand wanting to get rid of ping maskers. i've seen people in there that were lagging a hell of a lot and had latencies of 5 or 1 or whatever) lagging so much it made them hard to kill mind you. but when i am confronted on the matter and tell you all the absolute truth and give you ways to verify my claims, i expect to be left alone. what was i supposed to do? lie and say i was ping masking to get him off my back? i still couldn't have changed my latency...i mean unless i went to download a bunch of porn :P. i admit i got heated with gummybear both in game and in steam messages, but that was only because he was basically calling me a liar and telling me to fix something that i cannot possibly fix. it's like accusing me of murder and demanding that i show him the murder am i supposed to help him lol. in the future, just please work a little bit harder before handing out bans and kicks all willy nilly. i gave you SEVERAL easy ways to find out that i was telling the truth
    Last edited by Bruce Dern; 04-14-2013 at 12:26 AM.

  8. Default

    Not everything can happen at the snap of your fingers. Just b/c someone says they are not lying doesnt mean they are or are not. Yes you provided proof but that also takes time to look at and sort out the problem as to why this is happening in the first place. He kicked you and told you to fix it, correct you might not have been able to fix it but he was doing procedure. Sometimes a kick will take care of certain ppl that are playing illegaly. You were ban b/c you kept arguing with an admin and talking over him instead of listening to him you cant tell and admin what to do and to "leave you alone" b/c you told him the truth. Making this post is what you should have done when he kicked you the 1st time instead of rejoining when you knew there would be a problem. I mean you've known there was problem, you admitted that you had conflict over this before with starsmine. This post should have been written then and you would have never had this problem in the 1st place. Dont get your panties all in a bunch, next time just try and go about it in the right way and things will work themselves out like they did here today, its not like this problem even took a full day to get taken care of.

  9. Default

    Ill apologize again about my personal kick though I cant speak for 5 lb gummy.
    Though as zero showed, it still should not be possible. Playing ON the server gave him 5 latency.

    Gl have fun, and next time you get shit, tell them to talk to me, or one of the other admins that have posted here. And make your posts more readable if you can. Capitalize your damn I's and the begging of your sentences. Paragraphs are your friends.

    @ cyber, hell I have no idea, still should be yay...I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  10. Default

    An informative article on ping vs latency by a Valve programmer:

    "Ping is a simple round trip time for a message from one computer to another."
    Latency is more complicated, and is affected by variables such as client FPS, server FPS, and server ticrate.

    So the assumption that latency = (ping - 40) based on your respective values of 5 and 45 should not be generalized as a rule of thumb. In Zero's case, his ping was only 1 or 5 above latency. I've been accused of ping masking as well, although not by admins. I usually have a ping of around 5 because I live close to the server and have a fiber optic connection, but my latency is considerably higher because I often get 20-30 FPS in WCS, depending on map and player activity.

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