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Thread: Bye!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    East Coast (and that's all I'm tellin' xD)


    Still looking forward to a more efficient balancing mod that Zero is working on (still?). But while things may not appear in balance, 22-4 is not necessarily a proper gauge I've learned. There are levels of balance in the game (player vs. player/ team vs. team/ race vs. race, etc), and though a map may end with that score, the individual rounds may be more or less interesting depending on the other balances. For instance, while you may have a spidey rush for a few rounds, the next round your team may all buy laces and ward the shit out of him when he tries it again, and go further by annihilating the opposing team. After taking a break for two months, I admit the T vs. T may be outta wack at times, but that's when choosing the right race (assuming you put in the necessary time to make more races available) and your knowledge of counters, the R vs. R aspect can really make or break a winning streak.

    It's more than one vaga rushing the team and killing players that causes a 22-4 score. It's that in CONJUNCTION with teammates not saving up for a laces and/or working together to ambush the vaga. In this aspect, the races - which are constantly being balanced/discussed if you look at the threads - have their drawbacks that opponents can utilize to counter an opponent or team.

    Take some time off, play some other mods, and when you feel like coming back, please do. From experience, I can attest the servers and community make the good times far out-way the bad ones.
    Artist's Representation - "Finding life on the go board"

  2. Default

    You must be a really, REALLY nice guy. I consider myself to be a nice guy, but telling this condescending, arrogant and mostly vapid waste of space to 'come back' makes you nicer than anyone I've ever met in my entire life.

    Why would you want to play the game with someone who does nothing but belittle you and complain about playing the game?

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jwtemp View Post
    You must be a really, REALLY nice guy. I consider myself to be a nice guy, but telling this condescending, arrogant and mostly vapid waste of space to 'come back' makes you nicer than anyone I've ever met in my entire life.

    Why would you want to play the game with someone who does nothing but belittle you and complain about playing the game?
    I think chef is secretly a kitten.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    no, there hasn't. you're a useless little shit who has nowhere near enough time here to have any sort of perspective. this incarnation of WCS hasn't been up for "years", and even then, vagas were only released within about 8 months ago. we had a WCS server up pre-orange box update. it died when valve broke the game. we are returning our fcurrent WCS to be identical (read that again: IDENTICAL) to the previous server. your opinions mean absolutely nothing. at all. why? because we're not looking to make it how you want it, we're making it to be the exact same as the previous server. the previous server that hapopened to never have any bitching regarding balance because people understood a few simple facts:
    Um, Aco, you're so wrong here it's funny :P This incarnation has been out for over 2 YEARS now, with vagas being out from the start. Orange box happened mid 2010, we were back around the end of that year

    December 18th 2010, server back and Initial release of vaga is before that. Lion is the one that was released 8 months ago.

    Also, we are NOT returning to "IDENTICAL". This is bullshit, and I'm tired of hearing it, given I know you people are more intelligent that that. Even ignoring glitches and broken things, we have dedicated attacks on certain elements (can you say over-leveling), some elements that will be forgotten or ignored, has anyone other than myself mentioned the old bounty system, a quick search gives a resounding "NO". Even just the "balancing" that has been done throws us way off of identical/the same. What we are trying to do is get a working comparison.

    As for the no bitching about balance part, Eva would like to talk with you. A lot. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO
    Your aim will be somewhat impacted although testing showed this to have minimal impact on ability to kill stuff b/c you all suck at aiming anyways.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    East Coast (and that's all I'm tellin' xD)


    Quote Originally Posted by Carmichal View Post
    I think chef is secretly a kitten.
    For you baby, I could be ^.-

    As for Axiom, he could belittle me as much as he wants. The fact is he'll still be getting his ass handed to him by my crow round after round , but I find people tend to grow on the servers after a while... maybe he'll lighten up as he plays *shrugs*, who knows.
    Artist's Representation - "Finding life on the go board"

  6. Default


    p.s. eat a dick
    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesis View Post
    When you buy admin you agree to not be a cunt-faced Mexican.
    Emo <ibis.a>

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Chef C Green View Post
    For you baby, I could be ^.-

    As for Axiom, he could belittle me as much as he wants. The fact is he'll still be getting his ass handed to him by my crow round after round , but I find people tend to grow on the servers after a while... maybe he'll lighten up as he plays *shrugs*, who knows.
    but, he's already blacklisted our servers.


    we need to take this seriously...

    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  8. Default

    Well, that's a shame. >.>
    I was gonna be standing beside 'im on those balancing threads.

    Oh well.
    The moon is my goddess.

  9. Default

    Almost always when this happens (that I see anyway) someone from the winning team will switch or ask to switch to the losing side. Often times no one from the losing team moves to spec to facilitate the move and if an admin isn't on, the losing team is SOL. The cheaper items has also helped with balance, as the winning team will usually go 20-4 then by the end of the match the score will be 24-10 or 20-15.

    The worst is when it is one sided and someone that was carrying the winning team switches and gets the cheap items >.<

    Overall, I like that functionality though. People should just play Magician when their items get cheap. Nothin like 3 full item birds spawning every round

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